The Test of Fellowship

This test is about demonstrating your Octopus' conections to other Octopodes in the world.

How is fellowship measured? With numbers!

This event is similar to the other events in that it is primarily picture based. However, all pictures in this category must include at least two octopodes.

All octopodes in a picture will receive the same score. An octopus may only score for one picture in each event. If an octopus appears in multiple pictures, it will receive the highest of its possible scores.

Examples could be:

To enter the first event, one of you would send in a picture of a whole bunch of registered octopodes. The judges will examine the picture and try to determine from it which registered octopodes are present, and score it based on the relevant criteria. (In general, pictures with more octopodes are better than those with fewer, but other criteria may also be relevant. Make sure your octopus is recognizable! Octopodes are pretty unique, but questions of identity do occasionally arise. The decision of the judges is final (unless changed).

In the second sample event, you might want to include supporting documentation indicating where the octopodes in the picture are. The octopodes in question should be identifiable; those tiny dots miles apart in your mountain scene may not look like octopodes to the judges. Or maybe they will. The judges are quite clever.


For each entry, the top eight teams will receive the standard scores, and each octopus will receive at least that many points. (Each octopus will receive the highest score out of all its entries in a contest)

Points will be updated regularly and the octopus with the most points at any given time will be the current winner of the Test of Fellowship, entitled to wear the Royal Torc.