The Test of Power

This test is about demonstrating your Octopus' raw power.

How is power measured? Well, it's measured with numbers!

This event is primarily picture based. All events in this test will result in the generation of a number. The number will be generated by the judges using a picture of your octopus as a guide. You may provide one picture of your octopus FOR EACH event in this contest. You may substitue "better" pictures at your discretion, but only one picture per octopus per event will be scored at a time.

Examples would be:

To enter the first event, you'd send a picture of your octopus, along with supporting evidence for your octopus' location (e.g. a Google map). The judges will determine from the picture and the supporting documents how far your octopus is from its registered mailing address in kilometers (or some other unit of their choice).

The picture should be reasonably convincing as to your octopus' location. If you take a picture of your octopus on a desk and say "This is a hotel room desk in Paris," the judges are likely not going to believe you unless the Eiffel Tower is clearly visible out the window. However, if you take a picture of your octopus on top of a mountain, you can also send us a map of where the mountain is, rather than ensuring that the judges can identify the mountain by sight. We may be trusting. A sign would be nice though.

Similarly, if you take a picture of your octopus on top of a building for the second sample, feel free to include supporting documentation as to the height of the building, but also try to include some identifying features in the picture, rather than "My octopus in front of the door on the roof."


For each entry, the top eight octopodes will receive the standard scores.

Points will be updated regularly and the octopus with the most points at any given time will be the current winner of the Test of Power, entitled to wield the Royal Sceptre.