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   'read' [<geo-file> ['add']]|
          [<ccx-file> 'inp' ['add'|'ext'|'nom']]|
          [<result-file> ['add'|'ext'|'nom']|[<setname>]]|
          [<list-file> '-n'|'-e'<column>]|
          [<edge-file> 'edg']|
          [<pixel-file> [<zoom>]|[<x_zoom> <y_zoom>]]
This keyword is used to read files or commands from a file. Most commands can be read from a file but not all of them. In general all basic commands to create geometry are understood and up to now this is the only way to read pre defined geometry during run-time. To read commands from a file like pnt, line, node, or seta and so on, type

read geo-file

this will eventually replace entities if their names were already in use. To prevent this, type

read geo-file add

this forces the program to change the names which are already in use to unused ones. Therefore no existing geometry will be overwritten.

If an ccx-input-file with loads, boundary-conditions and sets was read

read ccx-file inp

then the loads and boundary-conditions are stored in automatically created sets which start with a leading '+'. For example the ccx command '*BOUNDARY' will trigger the creation of the set '+bou'. The ccx sets are stored in cgx sets of the same name. The load-values are stored in Datasets.

The option ``nom'' (no-mesh)

read ccx-file inp nom

is used to suppress the reading of nodes and elements. This speeds up the reading and makes sense if the mesh exists and only the set-definitions and loads should be read.

If the parameter ''add'' is used,

read ccx-file inp add

then existing node- or element-numbers are not overwritten and the program choses new numbers. If the ccx-input-file ends with ``.inp'' the parameter ``inp'' might be omitted.

The user might read a result-file in frd format during runtime. If a mesh exists and should not be overwritten just add the parameter ``add''

read result-file add

this forces the program to change the numbers which are already in use to unused ones. Existing datasets will be extended by the new node-numbers and their data. The option ``ext''

read result-file ext

will also extend the existing datasets but in this case the nodes and elements are updated (modified). If no parameter follows then existing nodes and elements are updated and the new datasets will be appended to existing ones.

It is also possible to read files written in the result format (.frd) during runtime only to define sets of nodes or elements without changing the definitions of them. The command

read result-file setname

will create a set of the name setname and all nodes and elements listed in the file mesh.frd will be added to that set. But this will NOT create or modify the nodes and elements. All nodes and elements must exist and will not be changed.

If a file with the numbers of nodes or elements is not available in the result format (.frd) then a so called list-file could be read instead. In such a file either numbers of nodes or elements can be defined. The numbers found in a specified column is interpreted as a node- or element-number. If ''-n'' is specified the numbers are interpreted as nodes and if ''-e'' is specified the numbers are interpreted as elements. For example

read list-file -e3

will define a set storing names of elements from the third column of file list-file.txt. The created set-name is always the name of the file.

In case NETGEN is used for meshing then the edges which are generated by NETGEN can be included for modifications,

read edge-file edg

will create beam elements based on the defined edges. When the modifications are done, the beam elements can be exported in the NETGEN-edge format with the ''send setname stl'' command (see also ''How to deal with cad-geometry'').

If a pixel-file in xwd-format is available it can be included as a background-picture. The user can then create geometry based on this picture:

read pixelfile 2 4

here the picture will be scaled by a factor of ``2'' in x- and ``4'' in y-direction. Delete it with ''del pic''. The picture can not be modified in cgx. Only scaling during reading (with either a global factor or separate scaling in x- and y-direction) is supported. Other modifications have to be made with external software.

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root 2014-02-18