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Accompanying Persons Program

Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday

Tuesday — Plimoth Plantation

Experience life in the 17th century at Plimoth Plantation. Here guests can learn about and participate in work from the old days, such as preparing loaves of bread for baking. There are also interactive role players and interpretive staff of the Wampanoag Homesite and the 1627 English Village. Additionally, guests will share in a traditional Thanksgiving Buffet, where they will learn about the table manners of the 17th century and eat the food of the Pilgrims.

The group will travel by the Mayflower II for a glimpse at this reproduction vessel. The details of this ship, from the solid oak timbers and tarred hemp rigging to the wood and horn lanterns and hand-colored maps, have all been carefully recreated to give you a sense of what the original 17th century vessel was like.