Conner 5 Event Calendar

      Also, check out our IM Sports schedule

Date Time Event
Wed. weekly 10:00 pm Study Breaks (GREAT food!)
Sun. weekly 9:00 pm X-Files in Tim's Room
Sun. 9/9 9:00 am Martha's Vineyard
Sun. 9/16 12:00 pm Brunch with the Taylors (Housemasters)
Mon. 9/17 7:00 pm Freshman Dinner at Redbones Barbecue
Sat. 9/21 - Sun. 9/22 4:00 pm BC Whitewater Rafting Trip
Sun. 9/22 10:30 pm Freshmen Shower Night
Thurs. 9/27 7:30 pm Technique (MIT yearbook) photo of Conner 5 taken
Fri. 9/28 - Sat. 9/29 6:00 pm Intervale Cabin Trip with Burton 5
Mon. 10/8 10:00 pm Movie in Tim's Room: Shakespeare in Love
Sat. 10/13 9:00 pm Movie in Tim's Room: The Pledge

* * * * * 2000-2001 Conner 5 Activities * * * * *

Freshman Dinner
We take the freshmen out to lunch or dinner. Introduce them to the Freshman 15 as soon as possible =)
Intramural Sports
We're pretty easygoing with the whole sports thing, so everyone's welcome to play. If you can get enough people together to do an IM sport, we'll do it. We regularly do volleyball, basketball, and unihoc. Sometimes we'll do ultimate (and if it's not IM, we'll have pickup games) or soccer.
Apple Bake
Everyone gets lots of apples and bakes something. Then everyone in the dorm gets together and eats!
Study Breaks
This is where we decide the when how and what all our other floor activities are, like floor trips and athletics. And we eat good food made by a different suite each week, or sometimes we get lucky and Tim makes us his famous Cincinnatti chili. During finals week, Tim feeds us every day!
Holiday Dinner
We won't hide it; food tends to be big on the floor. Before everyone leaves for (or after they come back from) Thanksgiving break, we gather in the floor lounge for a delicious potluck dinner and enjoy the awesome creations of our fellow floor members.
Hiking Trips
One of the cool things about our floor tutor, Tim, is that he's the outdoorsy type. Thus, every year we tend to go on some sort of hiking trip, often catching some great photo opportunities.
Talbot House
MIT owns a great vacation house in Vermont, right next to Killington. We like to go there for skiing, snowshoeing, lying in a dark field to stargaze, snowball fighting, and other yummy winter recreational stuff.
"JUNLIN!!! Can I borrow your curling iron???" is heard regularly during the semester when the girls are getting ready for any of the many semiformal and formal dances held at MIT.
Random outings
These have included attending Blue Man Group, the North Conway outlet stores, dim sum runs, and other places I can't remember.
Senior Dinner
After four years of bonding, we wouldn't feel right without treating our graduating seniors to dinner.
Disclaimer: Sometimes I run, sometimes I hide...Sometimes I lie about activities when I'm not exactly sure what's accurate. E-mail me if you have a correction or addition.
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