Summer JEOL-WDS short course
A large number of industrial users from the Greater Boston area with a variety of analytical requirements use our facility. Below is a partial list:
- A123 Systems
- American Superconductor
- BAE Systems
- EIC Laboratories
- Etex Corporation
- IntelCore Technologies, Inc.
- Metabolix, Inc.
- Metal Casting Technology, Inc.
- Omniguide Communications
- QD Vision, Inc.
- Stone Products Consultant
- Superconducting Systems, Inc.
We offer the following course to serve the training needs of industrial users. Please note that the availability of this course depends on interest level. Contact us for the current status. Also note that one-to-one instructions are available if a formal course cannot be organized.
Electron Microprobe Analysis by Wavelength Dispersive Spectrometry on JEOL JXA-8200 Superprobe
Course description (Visit the MIT Open Courseware website for course notes; you need Acrobat Reader to view the notes)
This is a laboratory-oriented WDS training course for professionals from the industry. In the past, professionals from Boeing Co., Pratt & Whitney, IBM, GE Aircraft, Eveready Company and Natural Resources Canada (CANMET) have taken this course. The course was taught in collaboration with JEOL USA, Inc. and Geller MicroAnalytical Lab. This course involves hands-on use of the JEOL JXA-8200, as well as in-depth practical and theoretical discussions of microprobe and WD-spectrometer design, X-ray spectrometry, large area digital imaging and elemental X-ray mapping, and matrix correction methods. Please see course description for details and application form.
MIT Electron Microprobe Facility
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Earth, Atmospheric & Planetary Sciences
Room: 54-1221, Cambridge, MA 02139
Phone: (617) 253-1995; Fax: (617) 253-7102