Program Administration


The program is under the direction of the Dean, School of Engineering. There is a full-time Program Director who is responsible for the operating aspects of the program and contractual relations with participating companies. A faculty steering committee, composed of faculty coordinators from each department and chaired by the program director, is responsible for academic aspects of the program. In addition, a faculty representative is assigned to each participating company to provide effective liaison between the firm, students, and MIT.

Faculty Representatives

Each company participating in the program is assigned a faculty member whose serves as liaison between the company and MIT. This faculty representative is chosen so as to have research and professional interests compatible with the objectives of the company in so far as possible. The faculty representative will serve as advisor to those students on work assignment with that company and will be responsible for ensuring that the students engage in work that is academically and professionally meaningful and is consistent with their abilities. The faculty representative will also meet with the company officials to ensure that student performance is consistent with company expectations. The faculty representative may or may not be the faculty member responsible for the supervision of the combined BS-MS thesis research. It is the responsibility of each student to identify a faculty member who will be his/her thesis supervisor. [List of faculty representatives]

Department Coordinators

A faculty member from each department is responsible for the department's participation in the program. This department coordinator is responsible for assigning grades and working out the details of the internship program in cooperation with the student and the student's regular faculty counselor, as they apply to the departmental curriculum. The department coordinators assist the student with sequencing the required subjects and work assignments so that students are not hampered in their progress toward their degrees. [List of department coordinators]

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Overview | Engineering Internship Program (EIP) | Undergraduate Summer Jobs Program

Student Participation

Work Assignment Schedule | Exhibit Forms | Academic Credit | Light-load Policy | Tuition | Compensation | Preparing for Graduate School | Applying to Graduate School | Graduate Thesis

Company Participation

Program Benefits | Company Oversight | Student Compensation

Current Participants

Students | Companies | Departments

Program Administration

Structure | Faculty Representatives | Department Coordinators

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