Voices on the New Diasporas - an MIT student journal

Submission deadline for Spring 2008 issue is March 15, 2008.

Copyright Notices

The works displayed on MIT's E-merging Journal are protected by copyright and other applicable laws and are made available by MIT's E-merging Journal for use by you, the individual accessing the E-merging Journal, solely for your own educational, non-commercial, non-monetary purposes provided you credit the author(s) identified on the particular work(s) and the MIT E-merging Journal for the material you use.

These works may be viewed on-line, downloaded, copied, distributed and displayed by you for your own educational, noncommercial purposes, or the URL of a document (from this server) included in another electronic document; however, the text of a work may not be published commercially (in print or electronically), edited or otherwise altered.

This is a summary of the license terms to you, the full text of which is available - Legal Notices.

Contact Us

Interested in joining us?

We need people with various skills and backgrounds to help us with the website, editing submissions, publicizing, etc.
If you'd like to get involved, please contact us at e_mergingcontact(at)mit.edu .

Want to submit a piece?

Please read and follow guidelines under "To Submit" . When you are ready, send your file(s) to e_mergingsubmit(at)mit.edu . Please note the underscore between letters 'e' and 'm' in the email address (e_mergingsubmit(at)mit.edu) .

Other inquiries

We welcome your feedback on our journal, on the pieces or on the subject of "where is home" in general. In the future, we will create a forum/blog on the website for everyone to share their thoughts. For now please send comments and questions to e_mergingcontact(at)mit.edu .