Voices on the New Diasporas - an MIT student journal

Submission deadline for Spring 2008 issue is March 15, 2008.

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Spring 2007 Issue

Videos (1)      Nonfiction (9)      Fiction (2)     



  • This is Who We Are by Adilene Flores and Soledad Dominguez
  • Nonfiction

  • A Bowl of Noodles by Jennifer Chu
  • A Transplanted Culture by Waciuma Maina
  • Crossroads by Han Zhu
  • Gestures by Jennifer DeBoer
  • Home is Elsewhere by Farah Ghneim
  • How I Found My Name by Nina Mann
  • Ode to The Lotus People by Han Zhu
  • One Small Mountain by Christina Yiwei Zhang
  • Universes and Stars by Han Zhu
  • Fiction

  • The Departures of Ramon by Anonymous
  • Étude no.1. The Story of the Cockroach by Javier A. Hernandez