Voices on the New Diasporas - an MIT student journal

Submission deadline for Spring 2008 issue is March 15, 2008.

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Estranged by Arthur Musah, Graduate Student

you walk through rows of corn
infusing its essence
past dead layers
making you itch - alive!

yard dogs chase at your heels as you dash off
forgetting the orange sun
captured inside the mango

while staring out
from your palms shade at a flock
the answer to a riddle comes
a sharp V on its side
arrowhead, pointing

when your mama asks
you echo "off to studies"
like child mimicking student father
but its not the same
your papa went only for the day

the rains come, it is dry
then Ghana Air takes you north
for a while?

your head grows bigger
from all the books? but
I only heard of fists
making a head swell

it must be the wind there
doing like you explained
when ice cracked the Vimto bottle
that cold expands water

boy! don't get so strange
so strange
so you don't mind dying
in a foreign place