Voices on the New Diasporas - an MIT student journal

Submission deadline for Spring 2008 issue is March 15, 2008.

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Langano take 3

after Daisy Fried’s Whatever Works

by The Naz (Nasruddin Nazerali), Class of 2005


"I never was much good at blow jobs," she says driving,
in Mojo, just before we turned right
on the Awasa road
to Langano.

The hot springs off
Lake Shala
and the birds in
I forgot.

She wound me up hot.
George Benson, Donna Summer,
fast and hot.
Maneuverability lost—
just in front of us
hundred meters.
Wonder what friendbhai was wheeling on.
Potholes coincide with orgasm horror.

Mushin no shin or sungata or whatever—
meditate on this blood asphalt glass
blood gushing forth in extra-cinematic blood-red
automobile weight on her thighs, red.

15 whole seconds before

Tzchat traders in Isuzu a.k.a. alQaida…
Girlfriend, scared ugly but mindful
to help them and shitless me
wrench friendbhai, his girlfriend,
her cousin and her boyfriend
out of misshapen Toyota.

4 months later,
Aster on a wheelchair
leads a seminar
on wasted youth.

I finished my film with her cousin,
(about oversexed samurai)
forfeited the location shots,
but not the blowjob, well done.