Newsletter Elections to be Held this Spring
Following procedures outlined in the Policies and Procedures of the MIT Faculty Newsletter, an Institute-wide election for two new members of the FNL Editorial Board will be held in the coming weeks. All regular faculty members and professors emeriti will be eligible to vote.
Nominees for the Editorial Board were selected from a list submitted by faculty, after being screened by the Newsletter Nominations Committee (Alice Amsden, John Belcher, Fred Moavenzadeh, and Ron Prinn) and approved at the February Newsletter Editorial Board Meeting.
Elections will be electronically based, with each eligible voter receiving an e-mail with a link to the voting site. Faculty and faculty emeriti will need to have MIT Web certificates installed on their computer, to allow for voter authentication. No record of individual voting preferences will be kept.
According the the FNL Policies and Procedures:
- “The Nominations Committee will have the responsibility of recruiting and evaluating candidates for the Editorial Board, taking into account the need for representation from different schools and sectors of the Institute, junior, senior, and retired faculty, male and female, underrepresented groups or faculty constituencies."
- “Candidates for the Editorial Board should give evidence of commitment to the integrity and independence of the faculty, and to the role of the Faculty Newsletter as an important voice of the faculty.”
To our knowledge, this will be the first Institute-wide faculty election of any kind in MIT history. We encourage the participation of everyone eligible to vote.