This issue of
the Faculty Newsletter features "Nuclear Disarmament Activities at MIT: Rising from the Ashes," a call for a revival of the nuclear disarmament movement, and our editorial, which suggests it's time for an MIT Faculty Senate.
Aron Bernstein, Heather Lechtman, Kosta Tsipis
Almost exactly 25 years ago, in a speech launching his "Star Wars" initiative, President Reagan said: " I call on the scientific community in our country, those . . . |
Editorial The recent report on declining biomedical R&D investment, “A Broken Pipeline?” carried poignant profiles of young scientists whose biomedical research programs . . . |
From the Faculty Chair
Bish Sanyal Which principles and strategies should guide MIT’s increasing international engagements? This is not a new question: As far back as 1975, an ad hoc . . . |
Teach Talk Patrick Henry Winston “What was class average?” I feel like I have been asked a 1,000 times, and I confess, each time it makes me cringe. It tells me the student is fixated on evaluation, not . . . |
Following procedures outlined in the Policies and Procedures of the MIT Faculty Newsletter, an Institute-wide election for two new members of the FNL Editorial Board. |
Jonathan King As President Bush approached his final year in office, his Secretary of Education released the administration’s major policy document on higher education, a report . . . |
Gareth H. McKinley It was great to read some of the early details about the upcoming $500M Campaign for Students that were revealed by the Chancellor in the January/February . . . |
MIT Poetry Anne Marie Michel Here treasures rest as light / Melts the insular rain of Paris |
Sheila Widnall Problem sets are the backbone of our teaching in many subjects; for many, problem solving is the essence of the MIT education. Faculty usually make their . . . |
Bish Sanyal If the goal of the Winston-Manning resolution which was introduced at the faculty meeting on October 17, 2007, was to express the faculty’s concern regarding the . . . |
Kenneth R. Manning Professor Sanyal mischaracterizes Professor Winston’s motives and mine, and wrings his hands about imaginary insults, humiliation, indecency, lack of civility, pain . . . |
Martin F. Holmes, Leeland B. Ekstrom, Phillip L. Clay, Kirk D. Kolenbrander We are writing in our capacity as student and administrative leaders regarding an important issue that we have joined forces to address. |
We, the undersigned faculty members, consider the issues raised by student leaders to be important matters for the Institute. We believe that it is crucial to take these . . . |
M.I.T. Numbers |