These are the publicity posters produced by Dramashop to advertise the production.

Courtesy of Virginia Corless

First Versions

Final Version



The hand program opens with a map of Denmark, presenting the character landscape of the play, to situate the audience with respect to the play the are going to see. It also includes a brief summary of the plot in Hamlet, to refresh the memories of those who are not that familiar with the original play. Nevertheless, as the summary already remarks, that is not the play that this production brings to life, but the production is 'based on these events.'

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Photographs in The Tech, Friday February 7th, 2003

MIT's own The Tech publicised the performance in the first week of its run. The front page featured Maria Kamenenska (Action Hamlet) as Claudius; within the issue HamletS had full-page coverage in photographs.

Front Page
Photos in Page 8

(Quicktime 4 (or higher) and Netscape 6.2 (or higher) are needed to view this clip)

Courtesy of James Dai and Aaron Moronez

James Dai (Strategist Hamlet) and Aaron Moronez (Princely Hamlet) have put together this music clip from stills. It is yet another piece of art displaying the process from rehearsals to producion; a very interesting re-working of may of the materials that are also available in this site.

This site is under construction

Last Update:
June 2nd
, 2003