Opening Scene: The Dumbshow

The play opens with a dumbshow in silhouette behind a downstage curtain. Here are the events:

Stage right, Hamlet Sr. and Fortinbras Sr. fight (with swords) to the death; they are surrounded by other scene of warfare. Rehearsal--Production Stage left, Queen Gertrude, supported by two women, gives birth to the baby, Hamlet. Gertrude passes baby Hamlet to his returning father, and the court composes into a tableau of "The State." Rehearsal--ProductionGertrude holding baby Hamlet, Hamlet Sr. with a symbol of office, Claudius, Polonius, and others to complete image. (these can be soldiers, or ladies in waiting as above)

Father and son (a child now) duet comprised of a sword and a book. This section ends with Gertrude's entrance, and the adults make an archway through which the child plays.

Enter Claudius and Polonius. Polonius conducts business of state with Hamlet Sr., while Claudius attempts and finally succeeds, in seducing Gertrude during Hamlet Sr.'s lapses of attention. A reverse arch ends this vignette.

Gertrude leaves, and the men work, talk, walk. There is a marked sense of normalcy that is evil in its hail-fellow-well-met quality.

Hamlet Sr. naps in the garden. Claudius enters, pulls out an enormously long, thin funnel, through which poison (sand so it can be seen in shadow) is poured into Hamlet's ear. Hamlet Sr. dies a terrible death.

The body of the dead king is carried in a funeral procession and passes a 20 year old Hamlet, who has been studying.

Hamlet mourns the loss of his father.

Claudius is crowned and as he extends his hand, Gertrude steps into the frame as his wife and Queen. Hamlet watches. Rehearsal--Production

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Last Update:
16th April, 2003