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The New Congress & US Foreign Policy
National Security: Issues & Possibilities
Thursday,  Jan. 9,  7 pm   [Directions]

Session on National Security, January 9

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Colombian forces are shown setting fire to an alleged cocaine factory near the country's eastern border. The United States government supplies Blackhawk helicopters, and billions of dollars, to the Colombian government, for use in fumigation of coca crops and in fighting the on-going civil war. According to Washington, the eradication of coca is the primary goal of US intervention through "Plan Colombia" — but as MIT Professor Jean Jackson noted in a report last year, Plan Colombia may itself constitute "state-sponsored terrorism."


Our discussion will examine US national security policy in the Western Hemisphere; and various other foreign-policy issues, ranging from war in the Middle East to homeland security to ballistic missile defense and proliferation of weapons and fissile materials. We will also look at how NGOs and activists organize around security issues and how they work to affect Congressional actions.


There are three other discussions in this series: January 16, on trade, environment, and globalization; January 23, on human rights; and January 30, on "Lessons from the Hill," when our guests will include people who have served in the Congress. You are welcome to join us for all sessions, but space is limited, so please let us know if you plan to attend. Your pre-registration helps in our planning and lets us inform you about materials you might find useful in preparing for the seminars. There is no registration fee.