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The New Congress & US Foreign Policy
Trade & Environment: Issues & Possibilities
Thursday,  Jan. 16,  7 pm   [Directions]

Session on Trade & Environment, January 16

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Protestors in Buenos Aires are shown burning an American flag to protest what they perceive to be (at best) the US government's lack of concern for their welfare. The Argentinian economy is in free fall, and has been for some time. Many Argentinians — and some economists — blame the crisis on the policies of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, both institutions seen to be driven by Washington's priorities rather than those of the people in crisis.


Our discussion will examine US international finance and investment policy in the Western Hemisphere; and various other foreign-policy issues dealing with "globalization," ranging from trade and embargoes to labor laws and environmental treaties and enforcement. We will also look at how NGOs and activists organize around "globalization" and how they work to affect Congressional actions.


There are three other discussions in this series: January 9, on national security; January 23, on human rights; and January 30, on "Lessons from the Hill," when our guests will include people who have served in the Congress. You are welcome to join us for all sessions, but space is limited, so please let us know if you plan to attend. Your pre-registration helps in our planning and lets us inform you about materials you might find useful in preparing for the seminars. There is no registration fee.