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5.2 Intersection problem classification

The fundamental issue in intersection problems is the efficient discovery and description of all features of the solution with high precision commensurate with the tasks required from the underlying geometric modeler [295,300]. Reliability of intersection algorithms is a basic prerequisite for their effective use in any geometric modeling system and is closely associated with the way features of the solution such as constrictions (near singular or singular situations), small loops and partial surface overlap are handled. The solutions resulting from most present techniques, implemented in practical systems, are further complicated by imprecisions introduced by numerical errors present in finite precision computations.

Intersection problems can be classified according to the dimension of the problem and according to the type of geometric equations involved in defining the various geometric elements (points, curves and surfaces). The solution of intersection problems can also vary according to the number system in which the input is expressed and the solution algorithm is implemented. Such intersection problem classification is addressed in the next three subsections. Only the most important intersection problems are addressed in detail in Sects. 5.3 to 5.8.

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December 2009