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IAP 2003 Activities by Sponsor

Western Hemisphere Project

Monday Night Movies
Anna Bershteyn
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)

We will show 4 feature films that examine aspects of life in the Americas. Our discussion (with surprise guests) will address the narrative in each film plus the relevant history and politics. Discussion will be led by Stephen Brophy, a writer, movie reviewer, and film instructor; and by Jeff Ravel, a historian.
Web: http://web.mit.edu/hemisphere/events/
Contact: MIT Western Hemisphere Project, hemisphere-admin@mit.edu

"Four Days in September" (1998)
Anna Bershteyn
In 1964 a military coup ousted the democratic government of Brazil: the generals imposed a right-wing dictatorship. In the ensuing years of terror, hundreds of civilians were killed, and thousands were tortured or disappeared. In September 1969, a small leftist group -- the MR-8 -- decided to challenge the generals. What was their plan? To kidnap the US Ambassador, Charles Elbrick.

Bruno Barreto's film, based on a book by a member of MR-8, was nominated for an Academy Award (Best Foreign Film, 1998). It stars Pedro Cardoso, Fernanda Torres, and Alan Arkin. In the words of reviewer Jim Ridley: "[The film] avoids agitprop speech-making and espionage-thriller cliches. And its moral stance, which refuses to condone terrorism in the name of either oppression or democracy, has quiet integrity." When the film premiered in New York, the writer, by then a member of the Green Party and elected to the Brazilian national Congress, was denied an entry visa by the US Embassy.

Mon Jan 6, 07-09:00pm, 2-105

"Sugar Cane Alley" (1983)
Anna Bershteyn
The word "Martinique" probably conjures up images of glorious Caribbean vacations. A vacation is decidedly what Ma Tine is not having in this film: she does back-breaking work in the sugar-cane fields so that her grandson can have a real education and a better life. The story is a familiar one to billions of impoverished people around the world, but director Euzhan Palcy's film, set between WWI and WWII, gives us a rare and precious glimpse into the social history of her ancestors and compatriots.
Mon Jan 13, 07-09:00pm, MIT 2-105

"Los Hombres Armados" (1998)
Anna Bershteyn
To put it bluntly: Central America has been ravaged by "Men with Guns." They don't believe in humanitarians or neutrality. If you're not with them, you're against them -- or dead. In this film about a professor's search for the medical students he sent out to do good in the world, director John Sayles helps us see what happens in a land ruled by los hombres armados.
Mon Jan 20, 07-09:00pm, 2-105

"Missing" (1982)
Anna Bershteyn
Based on a true story, "Missing" illustrates US support for fascism abroad. The Chilean military overthrows the elected government in 1973 and begins a reign of terror. When Charlie Horman, an American journalist, vanishes and the US Embassy won't help his family find him, hints of the truth emerge. When director Constantine Costa-Gavras pre-screened this film here at MIT twenty years ago, the room was packed. We won't have him here this time around, but we will be joined by someone who actually knew Charlie Horman and worked with him in Chile ...
Mon Jan 27, 07-09:00pm, 2-105

The New Congress and US Foreign Policy
Prof. Charles Stewart
Enrollment limited: first come, first served
Limited to 100 participants.
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)

With the 108th Congress taking office, what will US foreign policy be in 2003? What will the impact be on our neighbors and the rest of the world? Prof. Charles Stewart, an expert on congressional politics, will help lead our discussions with: guests who have served in the Congress, the Cabinet, and the White House; experts in various subjects; & grassroots activists who have worked with communities around the world.
UPDATE (Jan. 15): We are now using larger rooms. To join us if you have not pre-registered, please sign up (http://web.mit.edu/hemisphere/feedback/c108-reg.shtml) so that you can be notified of the location for each remaining session. We also encourage you to arrive early for each session.
Web: http://web.mit.edu/hemisphere/events/congress108.shtml
Contact: MIT Western Hemisphere Project, hemisphere-admin@mit.edu

Issues and Directions: National Security
Prof. Charles Stewart
We will examine US national security policy in the Western Hemisphere; and other important foreign-policy issues, ranging from war in the Middle East to homeland security to ballistic missile defense and proliferation of weapons and fissile materials. We will also look at how NGOs and activists organize around security issues and how they work to affect Congressional actions.

Guests include Joe Gerson (American Friends Service Committee); Liz Gronlund (Union of Concerned Scientists); Juliette Kayyem and Jeremy Pressman (Harvard); and Allison Macfarlane and Steve Van Evera (MIT).

For more details, see http://web.mit.edu/hemisphere/events/congress108-ns.shtml
Thu Jan 9, 07-09:00pm, 1-150

Issues and Directions: Trade, Environment, Globalization
Prof. Charles Stewart
Our discussion will examine US international finance and investment policy in the Western Hemisphere; and various other foreign-policy issues dealing with "globalization," ranging from trade and embargoes to labor laws and environmental enforcement.

Among our guests are economist Robert Z. Lawrence, who served in the Clinton White House; Nick Ashford, Director of the Technology & Law Program at MIT; Patrick Keaney, manager of Jill Stein's recent gubernatorial campaign (Green Party); Catherine Benedict of the Boston Global Action Network; and pediatrician Michael Yogman (Harvard Medical School), who recently visited Cuba.

For more details, see http://web.mit.edu/hemisphere/events/congress108-te.shtml
Thu Jan 16, 07-09:00pm, W31-301 (Dupont)

Issues and Directions: Human Rights
Prof. Charles Stewart
We will look at the role that human rights plays in Washington's bilateral relationships in Latin America and the Caribbean; the rights of indigenous peoples; US intervention in Colombia; the forty-year embargo against Cuba; immigration and asylum policy and the rights of prisoners taken in combat; and other issues.

Guests this week include Rep. Mike Capuano (D-Mass.); Margaret Burnham, professor of law at Northeastern University; Kevin Batt, anthropologist, attorney, and member of Tonantzin (the Boston Committee to Support the Native Peoples of Mexico); and Julieta Lemaitre (Universidad de los Andes), whose work is in women's rights and reproductive rights.

For a comlete list of panelists and other details, see http://web.mit.edu/hemisphere/events/congress108-hr.shtml
Thu Jan 23, 07-09:00pm, 66-110

Lessons from the Hill
Prof. Charles Stewart
Our guests served in the US Congress for a total of 34 years: Mickey Edwards as a conservative Republican and Dan Glickman as a liberal Democrat; Glickman also served in President Clinton's Cabinet.

UPDATE (Jan. 15): We will also be joined by Juan Orduz, former Deputy Chief of Mission at the Colombian Embassy in Washington.

Our discussion with our guests will focus on their experience in Washington: how members of Congress analyze foreign-policy issues; how constituency interests are often traded off against party and national interests; and how alliances are made across district lines, across the aisle, and with the Executive branch. As far as possible we will look at the composition of the new Congress; and at how members of Congress relate to the diplomats, lobbyists, NGOs, and activists who work to affect their actions.

For more details, see http://web.mit.edu/hemisphere/events/congress108-lh.shtml
Thu Jan 30, 07-09:00pm, 66-110

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