MIT: Independent Activities Period: IAP

For-Credit Subjects: Registration

This page contains information for students on registering for IAP credit subjects, including instructions on adding and dropping subjects, online pre-registration, taking fall subjects that extend into January, entering lottery subjects, the Physical Education activity lottery, IAP subject grading, and cross-registration.

About IAP Credit

Adding and Dropping Subjects

Online Pre-Registration

Subjects that Extend Into IAP

Lotteried Subjects

Physical Education Registration


Faculty send final grades to the Registrar by February 5, 2014; grades become available on WebSIS later that month. Students should contact their instructors to make sure grades are submitted. Grades will appear on students' official transcript under the subject's official MIT Bulletin title.


Cambridge University students participating in the Cambridge/MIT Undergraduate Exchange may participate in IAP for-credit subjects and non-credit activities. Cambridge students wishing to enroll in a credit subject follow the registration procedures described for MIT students at the top of this page.

Credit guidelines for the Independent Activities Period are approved by the Office of the Dean for Undergraduate Education. If you need more information, call the Registrar's Office at x 3-4228.