Karim Abdul-Matin
Doctoral Candidate studying political philosophy in Course 24 (i.e. Department of Linguistics and Philosophy). I got involved in IDF out of a concern to promote appreciation at MIT of the challenges of sustainable development.
Joost Bonsen
Graduate student in the Sloan School of Management
Susan Frick
In addition to serving on the publicity and assessment committees for the 2004 IDF, Susan Frick coordinates the activities of the MIT Program on Human Rights and Justice (PHRJ), a joint initiative between the Center for International Studies and the Department of Urban Studies and Planning.
Amy McCreath
The Rev. Amy McCreath is the Episcopal Campus Minister at MIT and Coordinator of the Technology and Culture Forum at MIT. Her interest in development issues began as an undergraduate at Princeton studying international relations and African history, grew through a year spent working in rural Kenya, and took theological root in seminary. Her involvement in the IDF arises from a commitment to living and promoting the central values of the baptismal covenant, which are justice, peace, and the promotion of human dignity.
Fleming Ray
Fleming Ray, TPP '03, hopes you find this website useful. He is currently working on computer user wellness and sustainability through the MIT Environment, Health and Safety Office. You can reach him at 617.852.0763 or ftr@mit.edu.
Amy Smith
The Edgerton Center
Sally Susnowitz
MIT Public Service Center
Patricia Weinmann
Technology and Culture Forum at MIT