What is IDF?
The MIT International Development Forum is a way of sharing information and celebrating the rich variety of activities at MIT throughout the year that contribute to international development. There is an annual event in late September or early October that introduces MIT Community members to a range of activities, lecture series, and formal academic offerings. This website is a way of higlighting and connecting you with some of the events and other offerings focused on international development at MIT.

Who is IDF?
The activites featured in this website are brought to you by a wide variety of MIT's community -- undergraduates, graduates, faculty, staff, and alumni all contribute in a variety of ways. You can find out more about the variety of ways that MIT supports international development by visiting the section called Get Involved.

A small sub-group of us sponsor the annual International Development Fairs and support this website. Meet us and learn more about our groups! If you are interested in joining our planning team, please contact us at idf-admin@mit.edu.

photo of international development

another photo of international development

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