LSA.307 | Introduction to Neurolinguistics
Alec Marantz
MW 8:15-9:55
location: 32-155
course web site:
This introduction to neurolinguistics will discuss what is known about the representation and processing of language in the brain and what current techniques are being used to expand our knowledge in these areas. We will critically review deficit/lesion studies (e.g., aphasia research), electrophysiological methods (e.g., ERP, MEG), and hemodynamic techniques (e.g., PET, fMRI). Developmental language disorders will be covered in connection with the interplay between genetics, brain structure and language. A recurring topic will be the potential role of neurolinguistics for testing hypotheses in linguistic theory. Experts in the various subfields of neurolinguistics will serve as guest lecturers for many or most of the class meetings, which will run in a lecture/discussion format. MIT's MEG Laboratory will be exploited to provide some hands-on experience. Course requirements will include the write-up of an experimental proposal.
Guest Lecturers
Week Two: David Poeppel
Week Three: Liina Pylkkänen
Week Four: Colin Phillips
Week Five: David Caplan and Ken Pugh |