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Kerberos for Macintosh 4.0.3 OS X Installer
About the Kerberos for Macintosh 4.0.3 OS X Installer Sources

To help other sites create an installer for Kerberos for Macintosh 4.0.3 on Mac OS X, we are providing for public distribution the source files used to create the installer . This distribution is source identical to the installer distributed by MIT.

If you are part of the MIT community, you should use the pre-built MIT installer, which can be found here.

Kerberos for Macintosh 4.0.3 OS X Installer Source Documentation

Please read the Kerberos for Macintosh 4.0.3 OS X Installer Customization Requirements & Tips.

The installer source is fully documented in the Kerberos for Macintosh 4.0.3 OS X Installer Documentation.

Getting the Kerberos for Macintosh 4.0.3 OS X Installer Source

The Kerberos for Macintosh 4.0.3 OS X Installer was created with Mindvision Installer VISE 7.3, and you will need that version or later. (Bugs in VISE 7.4 prevented us from using it, and VISE 7.4.1 was released too late to qualify it for use with the final installer. While this installer should build without problems in VISE 7.4.1 or later, we do not guarantee it.)

You can get the Kerberos for Macintosh 4.0.3 OS X Installer Source here.

The source includes:

Kerberos for Mac OS X.vct - the Installer VISE source archive

Put Binaries Here - copy the Kerberos for Mac 4.0.3 OS X binaries from the main KfM distribution here

kfmtar - (inside the "Put Binaries Here" folder) renamed copy of gnutar for the installer; see the documentation for more information

ExternalCodeResources - folder containing the source and compiled binaries for the code resources used by the installer:

KfMLocations - folder containing the source and compiled binaries for the KfMLocations custom install resource; see the documentation for more details

Restart - folder containing the source and compiled binaries for the Restart external code resource

UntarShellScripts.rsrc - resource file containing the external shell script resources used by the installer

Documentation - folder containing the following files:

KfM Installer Mac OS X Read Me - the read me displayed by the installer

Kerberos License - the Kerberos use license displayed by the installer

kfm-osx-installer-about.html, kfm-osx-installer-doc.html, kfm-osx-installer-custom.html - copies of these web pages for reference

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Last updated on $Date: 2003/11/19 20:36:49 $
Last modified by $Author: smcguire $