Emad Moeendarbary, Ph.D

Visiting Scientist, Assistant Professor at University College London

Email: e.moeendarbary@ucl.ac.uk
Focus group:
Department: Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, BioSystems and Micromechanics
Research summary:
My collaboration mainly involves investigating biomechanical determinants that underlie extravasation of tumour cells. I employ and further develop in vitro microfluidic models to generate physiologically compatible systems whilst imaging the extravasation processes with high spatiotemporal resolution under static conditions and under flow induced sheer stress. In addition, I combine our model with new physical measurement techniques to monitor force generation and modulation of mechanical properties of cancer cells, endothelial cells and subendothelial matrix during transendothelial migration. These approaches will provide an in-depth understanding of the bio-physical determinants of cancer cell extravasation and be an ideal platform to further characterise the process. By interrogating the system, I aim to generate mechanistic insights and to identify key cellular processes and modulators that will be further tested to determine their functional and biological significance.


Research achivement:
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