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Discover Mechanical Engineering would like to offer its thanks to the following organizations who have made this program possible.
For 2003 preorientation:
M.I.T. Department of Mechanical Engineering |
The Mechanical Engineering department is obviously the raison d'etre (reason for existence) for the continued existence of DME! Thank you. |
John and Diana Appleton |
Absolutely fantastic people whose magnanimous contributions allow us to exist another year. We are so very grateful |
K'Nex is the company whose generosity
allows us to provide a design element in DME. They make great gifts, too! | |
The MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering is our home and we love it. This website is also a good way to learn about the ME faculty and staff, interesting research in the department, graduation requirements, course offerings, resources and news. | |
Pi Tau Sigma is the Mechanical Engineering Honor Society and the student group sponsoring DME. This society offers tutoring for Course 2, organizes study breaks, and distributes course evaluations at the end of term. | |
The D'Arbeloff Fund for Excellence in MIT Education |
Contact us at dme-web@mit.edu. |