Discover Mechanical Engineering Program Page

This section of the website provides information about the Discover Mechanical Engineering Program. Details of the program relevant for the participants are included in this section, along with some points of interest. More information will be added as it becomes available.

Please note, this section contains details about the program, and some parts are therefore only available to people on the MIT network. If you are not on the MIT network and would like to request this information, please email our webmasters at

Program Page Sections

Program-specific details:

  • Schedule: The planned schedule of the program.
  • Robots: A description and drawings of the robots developed specifically for this program.
  • Contest Rules: Rules of play for the competition.
  • Contest Progression: Team order of play for the competition.
  • Contest Table: A depiction of the contest table.
  • K'Nex Design Module: A description of the design module, happening during the competition.
  • Video from 2002 DME during pre-orientation (30 meg file, in quicktime format)

Points of interest: