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Mentors | Meet the mentors who guide the freshmen through the program. |
Andrew Carvey | Leo Hochberg | Catherine Kelly | Nick Saenz |
Ray Speth | Christine Thai | Malima Wolf | Alison Wong |
Andrew Carvey
awcarvey@mit.edu Senior A unique perpetual thinker best sums up Andrew's bizarre personality. Driven by non-stop electronic beats from his vast music collection, Andrew hates dull moments. Though he did come to MIT to study, once all his work is done for the day, Andrew is always up for a party or BBQ. During his abundant free time, Andrew enjoys biking, hiking, rollerblading, kayaking, designing cool useful plastic products, plant cultivation, wood working... the list just goes on and on! Some day he hopes to design cool toys that EVERYONE will want. |
Leonardo Hochberg
leonardo@mit.edu URL: http://web.mit.edu/leonardo/www/ Senior Interests include photography for Technique (the MIT yearbook) and designing small, useless plastic products. Leo's abundant free time is spent not enjoying life to the fullest, and working his wrists into carpal tunnel syndrome, all to the beat of his own drumming. |
Catherine Kelly
kellyca@mit.edu Senior |
Nick Saenz
saenz@mit.edu Junior Interests include ripping off software companies and avoiding authority figures. He's also the Burton Conner Desk Captain, so give the man some respect! |
Ray Speth
speth@mit.edu Senior Interest: contortionism |
Christine Thai
cthai@mit.edu URL: http://web.mit.edu/cthai/www/home.html Senior Interests include biomedical technology and softball. |
Malima Wolf
miwolf@mit.edu URL: http://web.mit.edu/miwolf/www/ Senior Interests include scuba diving, sailing, shooting, and international espionage. |
Alison Wong
ahwong@mit.edu URL: http://web.mit.edu/ahwong/www/ Senior Alison has many interests ranging from comic-drawing (for the Tech), graphic/industrial design, and video editing to ice hockey, ultimate, and snowboarding. Living at Next House as an RAA for freshmen, she is also the 2002-2003 Pi Tau Sigma president. Minoring in architecture and concentrating in visual arts, she wants you to feel free to ask her any questions! |
Contact us at dme-web@mit.edu. |