Jun 22 1999: We are working on some Athena-based services for current members with Athena accounts. More announcements will be made over email. You can also get the password for the KCF webpage by typing "add mitkcf;mitkcf-pw".
Jun 6 1999: Congratulations to the Class of 1999 =cP.
Mar 30 1999: Two new features: Listmaker, which aids in making emails to fellowship members, and a message board. Both are being tested.
Mar 8 1999: The spring term calendar is up.
Feb 20 1999: We are still in the process of implementing the new standard templates for all the pages. There are some other changes here and there. The biggest change right now is the changes in the "member services" and "alumni services" page. Hopefully they will be more useful now.
Jan 7 1999: We've revised the standard templates for the webpages. Take a look =cP
Dec 19 1998: Have a great Christmas vacation everybody! See y'all back in January or February =cP
Nov 21 1998: We are currently testing the new MITKCF Online Directory. Please take a look.
Oct 3 1998: We are testing some new features to the MITKCF webpage. We have password-protected lists of email addresses and other sensitive information. We are also evaluating a discussion board.
Sep 21 1998: Change in schedule made in the large group calendar.
Sep 12 1998: Due to privacy concerns, all personal names and email addresses, as well as the MITKCF mailing lists, have been taken off the web. For any information, please contact mitkcf-request or mitkcf-admin.
Aug 31 1998: All pages have been or are being updated. If there are any problems (ie inactive pages, typos, out of date info) please contact the webmasters ASAP
Aug 27 1998: Welcome to the Class of 2002!
Jun 5 1998: Congratulations to the class of 1998 =c)
May 13 1998: Welcome to the new MITKCF webpage! We are still in the process of revising. Please be patient. We should be done by Orientation '98.