MITKCF logo MIT Korean Christian Fellowship
Christians at MIT
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KCF Ministry
MIT Christians

MITKCF forms part of the greater Christian community at MIT.

MITKCF is only one of a number of Christian fellowships on campus. We are one of sixteen Christian groups affiliated with United Christian Orientation (formerly UCR/O), organized to facilitate new student outreach at MIT.

There are also four InterVarsity-affiliated fellowships on campus. The others are United Christian Fellowship, Black Christian Fellowship, and Graduate Christian Fellowship. At the end of every spring term, these fellowships jointly attend the IVCF chapter camp.

There are many Christian activities on campus that MITKCF members jointly participate in with other fellowships. In the past, there have been joint meetings and Reg Day services, as well as regular prayer meetings such as the weekly Prayer at Killian (PaK) and noon prayer meetings. Please stay tuned to this page for more information on such activities when schedules become available.

MITKCF is also responsible for organizing the annual Boston-Wide Praise Night. This is an evening dedicated to praising the Lord jointly as the body of Christ in Boston. Students from the many colleges in the Boston area attend this special event.

There is also a Christian a capella group at MIT, the Cross Products, as well as a Gospel Choir.

MIT maintains a list of web pages operated by religious groups (both Christian and non-Christian) at MIT.

MIT Korean Christian Fellowship | MIT Room W11-080 |

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