Session 228

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 3 Day 28 TE 6063

Haeraan's crystal Cassius tells Pompey that he's giving lot's of money and there are forces here you do not know and don't ask questions and lot's of other nonsense along those lines.

We try to stalk the high priest of Phaon, but sadly he's guarded against all detects and the like. Oathar prays to Phaon for a sign but perhaps Phaon doesn't answer prayers at night. Sigh.

In any case, we go to the temple the next morning and ask to speak with the high priest alone. We present him with our evidence. He's a bit disconcerted that it was obtained illegally, as he can't prove its providence. Yeah, it's good evidence, but it's just not enough. The priest believes us, but sadly, he doesn't think it will hold up in a court. Sigh. We need something more. We decide to invade the temple of Atalakan the next day looking for evidence.

Orhan 3 Day 29 TE 6063

We head in to the temple and Oathar charms some guys and presents Kyrik and Imre as sacrifices. They get chained up and lead down into the jail where they'll await their sacrifice. (Wait? Are we running the sacrifice con? I thought that was played out?)

Kyrik and Imre are in the cells with a total of four pairs of sacrifices. There are bars and a small barred window, but that's about it. Alynna and Oathar are wandering around the upper temple.

K and I investigate the other prisoners. They are pretty doomed sounding.

A and O investigate records and realize there is a secret storage room under the altar, but unfortunately, Oathar is caught while finding the secret trap door next to the altar. The acolytes grab him and start dragging him to the high priest. Alynna grabs Oathar and teleports the two of them to the Inn.

A bunch of priests head into the cells and start interrogating Kyrik and Imre with spells about the two who brought them here. It's pretty pesky, so Imre and Kyrik attempt to teleport away before the icky-icky talk gets to its climax.

Having riled everyone up, we decide to head out of town for a couple of days.

We realize that on Orhan 3, day 68 will be night of the third moon here. Yeah, that's a problem. Their expense reports indicated they expected a lot of expenses until around the first of the month and then it wouldn't be an issue any more. Yup, whatever they are up to, it's gonna be on the 68th.

We decide to leave town for a few days after briefing the high priest.

Orhan 3 Day 30 TE 6063

We head towards Wyredale to the west. We have to buy horses for everyone except Kyrik.

Orhan 3 Day 34 TE 6063

We get to Wyredale. They speak Tal here. Whatever Tal is. Imre and Kyrik seem to speak it though. How strange.

Imre asks them about Saera from 20 years ago. They take us to grandma to figure out what the heck he is talking about.

Imre insists that we spend the night in the barn and help with the chores. Sigh.

Orhan 3 Day 35 TE 6063

We have breakfast with grandma.

Then we go to the barn raising and help raise a barn. Grandma chats everyone up about Saera and Mikal from 20 years ago.

Alynna breaks a bunch of boards for the entertainment of the masses.

Oathar tries to drag the group back into the 61st century, but nope, it's barn raising time.

Kyrik gets hit on by all of the girls. He teleports home for brandy. While he's there, he notices that today is the first day of Kieronalia. Instead of coming back, he sends a note.

Around 11pm, the rest of the party decides they're not sleeping in a barn, while Kyrik is home at Kieronalia. So we head to the barn and then teleport home for the festival.

In the morning we return to Wyredale.

Orhan 3 Day 36 TE 6063

We do more chores on the farm. (Cast Earth to Mud on the pigsty!) Grandma goes off to talk to people and comes back with old Jonny. He remembers Saera passing through. Where did they go? They were looking to settle down.

They had a little place out towards the woods and then up and left. He heard that she ran away from him and they went up north towards the big city (Artha). rumor has it she was trying to run away. She ran off to the north, the guy/guard left and went south.

We head back to Sel-kai for Kieronalia night 2.

Orhan 3 Day 37 TE 6063

Imre checks out a Seer in Artha. Imre pays 45g and she tells him of what she sees. She sees the woman enter the city, and she sees the boy grow up and become a sailor. She sees the two of them board a ship and sailing off to an island to the west. The ship's name was obscured to her sight. They were leaving for some specific purpose and the woman looks a little sick. This was about five years ago.

Alynna and Oathar remember that the Raschelles are home to several potent and rare.