Session 389

In which our heroes ...


Orhan 4 Day 5 TE 6063

We come to another chamber that seems to have a hologram of Mahari Ridane in it. "Why have you come?" "We seek to free you." "Then you must continue to seek." "What must we seek?" "To avoid dying." She tells us that this is the tomb of the other two loremasters. What we seek lies within according to the hologram.

We continue exploring.

A statue attacks Haeraan. He smack it down with his mighty awesomness!

Then we head into a room where everyone is attacked by water bolts. Ouch. You need to shortdoor through the arch to avoid it. This leads to the seaweed chamber. Beyond, there's another statue of a lord of essense. Or maybe it' s ahologram. Eitherway, it attacks with Sorcery.

We get past thaose traps and eventually end up facing an elemental guardian protecting a room. We kill the guardian and head to the back and find a hand locked door. (six fingers of course). We open it with the crystal hand and enter the nicely appointed quarters of the Lord of Essense Pale Daic. He's quite pleasant. At the far end is a steel door. "Don't ever go past that door, you'll wake Her."

The evil essense lord apologizes for the mind control and defenses, and offers us drink wile we talk. We've been wondering why he brought us down there. He'd like us to free his daughter. It's time. This may be an opportunity before She wakes up. He regrets what happened to his daughter. He can't leave without waking Her up. Oh, and he's got the unicorn sword. He'll give it to us if we wake his daughter.

He mentions that her ring is the critical piece to wake her. We'll have to check the fourth cache. The ring is a vibration generator that can be tuned to the resonance frequency of any object. SAdly, the ring doesn't have enough power to shatter the soulstone. The other things are of course stored in the gates. We will not get the keys, so we'll ahve to use the other way to open the gates.

There is a back door, a set of phrases that will open the gates. Once we open the lock, the bar that secures the gate portal will release and we will find a narcilbain in each of the gate portals. There are several taza and ataza there guarding it. The phrases that open the gates are in the gate complex itself.

By the way, Iblis thinks this is all a problem. "Oh crap."

We agree. He gives us a metal plate at the cave entrance which will bring us directly here rather than messing with all of the defense.

We leave. Imre casts Forget on Iblis having timed it carefully.

Then we get back on track and head for that last temple where Bathym is presumably waiting.

We see the trap. Then we send Iblis in to negotitate our way into the trap. She spends the time preparing the barracade.

Then the combat of everyone turns invisible commences! We fight the five bad guys while Iblis hangs back!

Imre explodes Iblis with the barest twitch of his power. He feels guilty about that.

What follows is a comedy of errors as one after another someone picks up the crystal hand and then is immediately set upon by the entire other team and dies. As it turns out, we don' treally ever get a chance to pick up the hand during this, so none of us die.