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C Varenhorst

EdTech Times Blog

October 8, 2008

Editor: Chuck Schubert

An application in STAR's suite of visualization tools is reaching a wider audience. This month the Consortium of

September 29, 2008

Check out the new machines in the NMC:

13 - 24" iMacs (2.4GHz Intel Duo Core 2, 4 GB RAM, SuperDrive) running Leopard 10.5.4 and with Adobe CS3, Final Cut Pro, MS Office Suite 2004.

The NMC is

September 25, 2008

Approximately 15% of MIT undergraduates will spend time studying or researching in another country. Following DUE's strategic theme to foster global leadership through foreign travel, this percentage is

August 11, 2008

"How can we advance arts and humanities research through the development of shared technology services?"


August 8, 2008


New ideas in education are best optimized when the concepts are communicated to a broad community of practitioners. A proven and effective tool

December 22, 2006

Editor: James Cain 1

For nearly 20 years, MIT's Foreign Languages and Literatures (FL&L) section has been developing innovative ways to bring new technology into the classroom

March 15, 2006

Web Publishers User Group meeting

Day: Thursday, March 23, 2006

Time: 12:00 noon–1:00 pm

Location: Building N42 Demo Center

Refreshments will be served.

Open to the general public.

March 8, 2006

Lisa Mayer
Web and Database Consultant
IS&T Departmental Consulting and Application Development (DCAD)

When you see students walking on campus with headphones plugged in their ears, they may be studying

February 15, 2006

Speaker: Peter S. Donaldson

Ann Fetter Friedlaender Professor of Humanities and Head of Literature Faculty

MIT School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

Day: Friday, Feb 24, 2006

Time: 1:00p–2:

February 8, 2006

Katie Livingston-Vale, Ed.D.

Team Leader, Educational Technology Consultants

IS&T Academic Computing

Online journals called "weblogs" or "blogs" are now being employed in MIT courses to teach

November 4, 2005

Violeta M. Ivanova, Ph.D.
Math and Engineering Educational Technology Consultant
IS&T Academic Computing

November 2, 2005

With iPods slowly working their way into college classrooms, it was only a matter of time before someone put the devices to use as a way of cutting corners on course work.

Now a pair of companies has stepped up, offering a line of iPod-

October 12, 2005

LINC (Learning International Networks Consortium), will hold its third annual symposium at MIT on October 27th and 28th, 2005. LINC is an MIT-affiliated program that works with educational leaders in developing countries to facilitate and

October 6, 2005

Digital Natives': A new generation of college students has arrived, and many of them have no interest in long lectures. How much should colleges change to accommodate the so-called Millennials?

October 3, 2005

Date: Thursday, October 6
Time: 4:00 - 6:00

Room: 4-237

A representative from National Instruments Corp. will be on campus to
demonstrate features of the company's product,

September 19, 2005

When: Thursday, September 22, 3:30pm-5:30pm

Where: Digital Instruction Resource Center (14N-132)

Build your knowledge of library solutions that enhance teaching and
learning, including course-integrated library instruction,

September 19, 2005

The GIS Lab is offering five one-hour workshops this fall to help people get started using Geographic Information Systems at MIT.

Workshop topics include:

June 3, 2005

The Emerson College Learning Portal Project is the latest and most ambitious iteration in their experiments in multimedia pedagogy. Combining blog and portal technology, this system has implications for pedagogy, software design, and the

June 1, 2005

stellar-logo-type.gifWhat would you do to make Stellar more useful?

Each Spring and Fall semester, a new version of the

May 19, 2005

Are Google searches just getting your users in the ballpark? Not having the right metadata is like having a ticket to the game, but no seat number. Discover how metadata can make your digital resources more accessible.


Office of Educational Innovation and Technology
Building NE48-308, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
Phone: (617) 252-1981; Fax: (617) 452-4044