During the ORC Alumni Day, we will host a one and a half hour poster session from 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM. Below is the current list of poster sessions submitted to date.
Title | Author |
Making Better Fulfillment Decisions on the Fly in an Online Retail Environment | Jason Acimovic is a 5th-year Ph.D. student at the Operations Research Center at MIT. He works with Professor Stephen Graves in operations management and supply chains. His co-authored paper on performance evaluation techniques in golf has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, referenced in Sports Illustrated, and published in the Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports. After earning his BS in Physics at Yale University in 1999, he worked for Capital One's collections division as a Senior Operations Analyst. Prior to returning to graduate school in 2006, he volunteered with Medecins Sans Frontieres in Liberia as a logistician for 6 months, providing logistical support for a hospital and two clinics. |
A Computationally Tractable Theory of Performance Analysis in Stochastic Systems | Chaithanya Bandi graduated from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras in 2008 majoring in Computer Science. Right after, he joined the doctoral program at ORC in MIT and is being advised by Professor Dimitris Bertsimas. He is broadly interested in the problem of dynamic optimization under uncertainty. In particular, he is exploring applications in the the areas of Finance ( Option Pricing and Portfolio Optimization ) and Resource Allocation ( Queueing Networks, Multi-Item Auctions ). |
Estimating the NIH Efficient Frontier | Dimitrios Bisias was born in Thessaloniki, Greece. He studied Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and did his MS in Electrical Engineering at Stanford University. In both of his studies he graduated ?summa cum laude?. After working for a couple of years in Bloomberg, and Merrill Lynch, he started his PhD in Operations Research at MIT. He is currently in his 3rd year of studies working under the supervision of Professor Andrew W. Lo. |
A Networks Approach to Business Process Management | Andre Calmon is a third year Ph.D. candidate in the Operations Research Center at MIT, under the supervision of Prof. Stephen Graves. Before coming to MIT, he completed a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Brasilia, Brazil and a M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil. His research interests include supply chain management, quantitative methods in service sciences, revenue management, and operations in emerging markets. |
Methods for Ranking Problems in Machine Learning: An Integer Optimization Approach | Allison Chang is in her fifth year of the Ph.D. program at the MIT Operations Research Center. She received her Sc.B. in Applied Mathematics from Brown University in 2007. She is broadly interested in statistical learning and optimization, with applications in healthcare and other industries. Her main research focus is developing discrete optimization methods for machine learning problems. |
Incremental Bus Schedule Design: Combining Limited-Stop and Local Bus Services | Virot Chiraphadhanakul is a third year PhD student at the MIT Operations Research Center, under the ssupervision of Professor Cynthia Barnhart. He holds a B.Eng. in Computer Engineering from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand and a dual SM in Transportation and Operations Research from MIT. His research focuses on optimization in large-scale transportation systems, and his projects thus far have spanned different modes of transportation—air, rail, public transit, and vehicle sharing systems. He has recently received the 2011-2012 UPS Doctoral Fellowship from the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics. |
Designing Consumer Subisidies with Industry Response | Maxime Cohen was born in France, studied B.Sc. in Aerospace Engineering and M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering both at Technion, Israel. Then, worked for a year as a futures' trader at GHF group in Israel and co-founder of a private real-estate investment company. I am currently a second year Ph.D candidate at the ORC working with Prof. Perakis on Supply-Chain and Revenue Management problems. I was awarded the MIT Energy Initiative Fellowship 2011-2012. |
Supply Chain Management and Logistics Models with Online Demand Selection | Adam Elmachtoub is a third-year Ph.D. candidate in the MIT ORC. He is advised by Professor Retsef Levi. He graduated from Cornell University in 2009 with a B.S. in Operations Research and Engineering. He is currently supported by a NDSEG Fellowship. |
Robust Multi-Objective Optimization | Matthew Fontana is a Ph.D. candidate in the Operations Research Center at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He graduated from Cornell University in 2007 with a B.A. in Mathematics. His broad research interests are in the area of decision-making under uncertainty, and network and combinatorial optimization. |
A Robust and Adaptive Optimization Approach to Air Traffic Flow Management Under Capacity Uncertainty | Shubham Gupta is a 5th year PhD student at the Operations Research Center at MIT. He works with Professor Dimitris Bertsimas in developing tractable models for air traffic scheduling problems. Previously, he studied Computer Science at IIT Kanpur. His professional experience includes a stint with Goldman Sachs and research internship at ETH Zurich. He is broadly interested in decision-making under uncertainty and discrete optimization models with applications in finance, aviation and resource allocation. |
Towards a 4/3 Approximation for the Traveling Salesman Problem | Swati Gupta is a first year PhD student in Operations Research, MIT. She is working with Prof. Patrick Jaillet and Prof. Michel Goemans. Before coming to MIT, she completed her Bachelors and Masters in Computer Science & Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. Her research interests are in Approximation Algorithms, Graph Theory and Combinatorics. |
Inverse Optimization: A New Perspective on the Black-Litterman Model | Vishal Gupta is a third year Ph.D. candidate in the Operations Research Center at MIT, under the joint supervision of Prof. Dimitris Bertsimas (MIT) and Prof. Yannis Paschalidis (Boston University). He holds a B.A. in Mathematics and Philosophy from Yale University (2004) and completed Part III of the Mathematics Tripos at the University of Cambridge (2005). Before coming to MIT, Vishal spent four years working in quantitative finance for Barclays Capital in commodities modeling. His research interests are rooted in developing tractable approaches to optimization under uncertainty, with a specific focus on equilibrium systems and applications to economics and healthcare. |
Sequential Event Prediction | Ben Letham is a 2nd year PhD student at the ORC. He works with Cynthia Rudin on machine learning and statistics. |
Markdown Optimization for a Fashion e-tailer: The Impact of Returning Customers | Zachary Leung is a fourth-year PhD student at the Operations Research Center. His research interests include inventory management for global health delivery, revenue management and pricing. He graduated from National University of Singapore with a BSc in Applied Mathematics in 2006, and with a MSc in Applied Mathematics in 2008. |
Study of a New Mechanism for Traffic Coordination | Maokai Lin is a third year PhD student at ORC. His research involves the study of traffic and transportation systems with real-time communications. Prior to joining ORC, he obtained his master degree from Computation for Design and Optimization program at MIT. He got his bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering from Tsinghua university, China. |
Who are the Best NBA Players of the Last 30 years? | Allison O’Hair is in her third year of the Ph.D. program at the MIT Operations Research Center. She graduated from UC Davis in 2009 with a B.S. in Mathematics. She is advised by Professor Dimitris Bertsimas. Her research interests include discrete optimization, data mining, and using these tools in healthcare and other applications. |
Efficiency of a Shared Resource in Service Industries with Differentiated Services | Wei Sun is a 5th year PhD student at the MIT OR Center. She received BEng in electrical and computer engineering from National University of Singapore and MS in CDO from MIT. Her research interests include supply chain management and congestion pricing. |
A Hardness Result for the Joint Replenishment Problem with Constant Costs and Demands | Claudio Telha is a Ph.D. Candidate in Operations Research at MIT. He is advised by Prof. Andreas S. Schulz. His research interests include Algorithms and Combinatorial Optimization with applications to Operations Research. He graduated from University of Chile with a B.S. in Mathematics and a M.S. in Computer Science. |
Flexible Scheduling in Gas Operations | Joline Uichanco is fourth year PhD student at the ORC. She is co-advised by Prof. Georgia Perakis and Prof. Retsef Levi. She has co-authored a paper in robust portfolio optimization that has been published in Mathematical Finance. Currently, her research is broadly focused on decision-making in the presence of uncertainty. She is interested in applications in inventory management, finance and healthcare. She holds a BSc in Computational Finance and SM in Computational Engineering both from the National University of Singapore. She also holds a SM in Computation for Design and Optimization from MIT. |
Optimal Queue-Size Scaling in Switched Networks | Yuan Zhong is a fourth-year Ph.D student at the Operations Research Center, under the supervision of Professor Devavrat Shah and Professor John Tsitsiklis. He is broadly interested in efficient resource allocation under a network setting. His current research interest focuses on the performance analysis of scheduling policies in stochastic networks. He received his B.A in Mathematics from Cambridge University in 2006, and his M.A in Mathematics from California Institute of Technology in 2008. |