That Which Broadens the Mind

Education is essential in the definition of myself relative to my surroundings. Though admittedly, learning does not always occur in the classroom, that which one learns by reading History, and studying Literature cannot be learned through practical experience. Formal Education gives you experiences of living in the Romantic Era, of being a Biologist, of learning how to predict the Economy; experiences that make one a worldly person without traveling the world. Informal Education, as explained here, is something more aquired just by living life fully and completely.

My education followed the standard United States Public Education, from grades K to 12. The High School I graduated from is Franklin High School. I walked with a rank of third, being the only one in the top 10 of my high school class that was not in the National Honor Society.

So, that landed me here, at MIT. As a freshman I participated in an Alternative Freshman Program called ESG, the Experimental Study Group. Though I benefitted greatly from those I met in the program, if I had to do it all over again, I would not have joined. It is a very understanding program, and didn't prepare me well for the experiences of late nights and unexpected exams that plagued my sophomore year.

At the end of my freshman year here at MIT, I had to select my course of Study for my remaining three years. I deliberated, counseled, and finally declared myself as a Course 5: Chemistry major. But, even the best laid plans can go astray, and I soon found myself not doing what I wanted to do. There is nothing wrong with changing a decision as long as you are ok with its ramifications. I will have to take an extra semester to graduate from MIT with a Course 10: Chemical Engineering degree.

But, once I graduate from MIT, where to next? Noone knows where the path we chose might lead us, though we try to be sucessful at all we do. I would like to recieve a good job, or submission to the department's Practice School.

Hopes and dreams have a way of making things happen initially, but one of the best things that MIT has taught me academically, is that brute determination will see you through.

Auctor | Congnati | Doctrina | Labor | Voluptas | Mundus