The Roles Database Application: What authorizations can I grant?

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You can also do any of the following lookup operations from the Roles Web pages. (See My Authorizations.)

Three levels of authorization granting

There are three different levels at which people are given the authority to create authorizations:
  1. "Central" authority to grant any authorization within a category (e.g., SAP)
  2. Primary Authorizer authority for a department
  3. Authority to delegate individual authorizations (with specific Functions and Qualifiers)

1. "Central" authority to grant any authorization within a category

Only a small number of central administrators are given this authority. To see if you are allowed to grant any authorization in a given category:

  1. Open the "Authorization List" screen.
  2. Choose Selection Set "My Authorizations" from the drop down menu.
  3. Click on Refresh.

Result: The lower portion of the screen displays your authorizations.

You can create any authorization in a category if you have an authorization with category "META" and a Function of CREATE AUTHORIZATIONS.

For example:

UserFunctionCategory Qual. Code Qualifier Name

Such a "meta-authorization" lets you create any authorization within the Category SAP, i.e., an authorization with any SAP-related Function and any Qualifier (with the right Qualifier Type for the chosen Function).

2. Primary Authorizer authority

Primary Authorizers for a department are allowed to grant authorizations for a predefined suite of Functions, with Qualifiers related to the given department. To see if you have Primary Authorizer authority for a department:

  1. Open the "Authorization List" screen.
  2. Choose Selection Set "My Authorizations" from the drop down menu.
  3. Click on Refresh.

Result: The lower portion of the screen displays your authorizations.

You have Primary Authorizer authority if you have an authorization with category "META" and a Function of PRIMARY AUTHORIZER. The Qualifier specifies the department code.

For example:

UserFunctionCategoryQual. Code Qualifier Name

Such an authorization lets you create authorizations for Functions within the Primary Authorizer suite of Functions, and a Qualifier related to the designated department code (and the right Qualifier Type for the chosen Function). The list of Functions included in this suite will increase over time.

Here is the list of Functions that can be granted by Primary Authorizers, along with their corresponding Qualifier Types, as of 5/31/2000:
FunctionCorresponding Qualifier
APPROVER MOD x LEV ya Spending Group associated with the department
CAN SPEND OR COMMIT FUNDSa Fund Center or Fund associated with the department
CAN USE SAPNULL (no qualifier needed)
INVOICE APPROVAL UNLIMITEDa Fund Center or Fund associated with the department
JV (FY)NULL (no qualifier needed)
JV (IP)NULL (no qualifier needed)
JV (STANDARD)NULL (no qualifier needed)
MANUAL RESERVATIONNULL (no qualifier needed)
REPORT BY CO/PCa Profit Center, group of Profit Centers, or Cost Object associated with the department
REPORT BY FUND/FCa Fund Center or Fund associated with the department
REQUISITIONERNULL (no qualifier needed)
TRAVEL DOCUMENTS APPROVALa Fund Center or Fund associated with the department

3. Authority to delegate individual authorizations

To see which authorizations you can delegate:

  1. Open the "Authorization List" screen.
  2. Choose Selection Set"My Authorizations that I can delegate" from the drop down menu.
  3. Click on Refresh.

Result: The lower portion of the screen displays your authorizations you can delegate.

If any authorizations are listed, you can grant one or more of these authorizations to other people. You can delegate an authorization to others if the Grant field is set to Y (yes).

Delegating an authorization creates a new authorization with the same Function as the original, and with a Qualifier that is either equal to the original Qualifier or a descendent in the Qualifier hierarchy. (This presumes that Grant = Y and Descend = Y.) For example, suppose jsmith has the following authorization:

UserFunctionCategoryQual. Code Qualifier Name
jsmith REPORT BY CO/PCSAP0HC00004 Sloan School of Mgment

If Grant = Y and Descend = Y,  jsmith can create the following authorizations:

UserFunctionCategory Qual. Code Qualifier Name
anybodyREPORT BY CO/PCSAP0HC00004 Sloan School of Mgment
whoknowsREPORT BY CO/PCSAP0HC0000401Behavioral & Policy Sci.
joeuserREPORT BY CO/PCSAPI2516700Summer Sess. Discr. Acct.

The Qualifier Codes 0HC0000401 and I2516700 are allowed because they are descendents of 0HC00004 in the qualifier hierarchy.