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Building Apps with Connectivity & the Cloud

These classes teach you how to connect your app to the world beyond the user's device. You'll learn how to connect to other devices in the area, connect to the Internet, backup and sync your app's data, and more.

  1. Connecting Devices Wirelessly

    How to find and connect to local devices using Network Service Discovery and Wi-Fi Direct in order to create peer-to-peer connections.

    1. Using Network Service Discovery
    2. Connecting with Wi-Fi Direct
    3. Using Wi-Fi Direct for Service Discovery
  2. Performing Network Operations

    How to create a network connection, monitor the connection for changes in connectivity, and perform transactions with XML data.

    1. Connecting to the Network
    2. Managing Network Usage
    3. Parsing XML Data
  3. Transferring Data Without Draining the Battery

    How to minimize your app's impact on the battery when performing downloads and other network transactions.

    1. Optimizing Downloads for Efficient Network Access
    2. Minimizing the Effect of Regular Updates
    3. Redundant Downloads are Redundant
    4. Modifying Patterns Based on the Connectivity Type
  4. Syncing to the Cloud

    How to sync and back up app and user data to remote web services in the cloud and how to restore the data back to multiple devices.

    1. Using the Backup API
    2. Making the Most of Google Cloud Messaging