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Building Apps with Graphics & Animation

These classes teach you how to accomplish tasks with graphics that can give your app an edge on the competition. If you want to go beyond the basic user interface to create a beautiful visual experience, these classes will help you get there.

  1. Displaying Bitmaps Efficiently

    How to load and process bitmaps while keeping your user interface responsive and avoid exceeding memory limits.

    1. Loading Large Bitmaps Efficiently
    2. Processing Bitmaps Off the UI Thread
    3. Caching Bitmaps
    4. Displaying Bitmaps in Your UI
  2. Displaying Graphics with OpenGL ES

    How to create OpenGL graphics within the Android app framework and respond to touch input.

    1. Building an OpenGL ES Environment
    2. Defining Shapes
    3. Drawing Shapes
    4. Applying Projection and Camera Views
    5. Adding Motion
    6. Responding to Touch Events
  3. Adding Animations

    How to add transitional animations to your user interface.

    1. Crossfading Two Views
    2. Using ViewPager for Screen Slide
    3. Displaying Card Flip Animations
    4. Zooming a View
    5. Animating Layout Changes