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Maintaining Multiple APKs

Dependencies and prerequisites

  • Android 1.0 and higher
  • You must have an Google Play publisher account

You should also read

Multiple APK support is a feature of Google Play that allows you to publish multiple APKs under the same application listing. Each APK is a complete instance of your application, optimized to target specific device configurations. Each APK can target a specific set of GL textures, API levels, screen sizes, or some combination thereof.

This class shows you how to write your multiple APK application using any one of these configuration variables. Each lesson covers basics about how to organize your codebase and target the right devices, as well as the smart way to avoid pitfalls such as unnecessary redundancy across your codebase, and making mistakes in your manifest that could render an APK invisible to all devices on Google Play. By going through any of these lessons, you'll know how to develop multiple APKs the smart way, make sure they're targeting the devices you want them to, and know how to catch mistakes before your app goes live.


Creating Multiple APKs for Different API Levels
Learn how to target different versions of the Android platform using multiple APKs. Also learn how to organize your codebase, what to do with your manifest, and how to investigate your APK configuration using the aapt tool before pushing live.
Creating Multiple APKs for Different Screen Sizes
Learn how to target Android devices by screen size using multiple APKs. Also learn how to organize your codebase, what to do with your manifest, and how to investigate your APK configuration using the aapt tool before pushing live.
Creating Multiple APKs for Different GL Textures
Learn how to target Android devices based on their support for GL texture. Also learn how to organize your codebase, what to do with your manifest, and how to investigate your APK configuration using the aapt tool before pushing live.
Creating Multiple APKs with 2+ Dimensions
Learn how to target different Android devices based on more than one configuration variable (screen size, API version, GL texture). Examples in the lesson target using a combination of API level and screen size. Also learn how to organize your codebase, what to do with your manifest, and how to investigate your APK configuration using the aapt tool before pushing live.