Lupion, M., H. Javedan, H. Herzog, "Challenges to Commercial Scale Carbon Capture and Storage: Regulatory Frameworks," Working Paper, May (2015). <PDF>
Wolff, J. "Acceptance by Proxy: Analyzing Perceptions of Hydraulic Fracturing to Better Understand Public Acceptance for Geologic Storage of Carbon Dioxide," M.I.T. Masters Thesis, May (2015). <PDF>
Wolff, J. and H. Herzog, "What lessons can hydraulic fracturing teach CCS about social acceptance?," Energy Procedia, Vol 63, pp 7024-7042, (2014). <PDF>
Eide, J., F. de Sisternes, H. Herzog and M. Webster, “CO2 Emission Standards and Investment in Carbon Capture,” Energy Economics, Vol 45, pp 7647-7667, DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2014.06.005, Sept (2014). Note: Subscription required to view article <Link to online journal article>
Clark, V.R. and H.J. Herzog, “Assessment of the US EPA's Determination of the Role for CO2 Capture and Storage in New Fossil Fuel-Fired Power Plants,” Environ. Sci. Technol., 48:14, pp 7723–7729, DOI: 10.1021/es501748r, June (2014). Note: Subscription required to view article <Link to online journal article>
Javedan, H., "Regulation for Underground Storage of CO2 Passed by U.S. States," Working Paper, September (2013). <PDF>
Eide, J., H. Herzog and M. Webster, “Rethinking CCS – Developing Quantitative Tools for Designing Robust Policy in Face of Uncertainty,” Energy Procedia, Vol 37, pp 7647-7667, Aug (2013). <PDF>
Hamilton, M., "An Analytical Framework for Long Term Policy for Commercial Deployment and Innovation in Carbon Capture and Sequestration Technology in the United States," M.I.T. Masters Thesis, December (2009). <PDF>
Johnsson, F., D. Reiner, K. Itaoka and H. Herzog, "Stakeholder Attitudes on Carbon Capture and Storage – An International Comparison," International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Vol 4:2, pp 410–418, March (2010). <LINK> (NOTE: Subscription may be required.)
Singleton, G., H. Herzog and S. Ansolabehere, "Public Risk Perspectives on the Geologic Storage of Carbon Dioxide," International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Vol 3:1, pp 100-107, January (2009). <LINK> (NOTE: Subscription may be required.)
Johnsson, F., D. Reiner, K. Itaoka, H. Herzog, "Stakeholder Attitudes on Carbon Capture and Storage - An International Comparison," presented at the 9th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Washington, DC, November (2008). <PDF>
Singleton, G.R., "Geologic Storage of Carbon Dioxide: Risk Analyses and Implications for Public Acceptance," M.I.T. Masters Thesis, May (2007). <PDF> [Updated 28 Nov 2007]
Narain, M., "Pathways to Adoption of Carbon Capture and Sequestration in India: Technologies and Policies," M.I.T. Masters Thesis, May (2007). <PDF>
Curry, T.E., S. Ansolabehere and H.J. Herzog, "A Survey of Public Attitudes towards Climate Change and Climate Change Mitigation Technologies in the United States: Analyses of 2006 Results," MIT LFEE 2007-01 WP, April (2007). <PDF>
de Figueiredo, M.A., H.J. Herzog, P.L. Joskow, K.A. Oye, and D.M. Reiner, Regulating Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage, CEEPR WP-2007-003, April (2007). <PDF>
de Figueiredo, M.A., "The Liability of Carbon Dioxide Storage," M.I.T. Ph.D. Dissertation, January (2007). <PDF>
Reiner, D.M., T.E. Curry, M.A. de Figueiredo, H J. Herzog, S.D. Ansolabehere, K. Itaoka, F. Johnsson, and M. Odenberger, "American Exceptionalism? Similarities and Differences in National Attitudes Toward Energy Policy and Global Warming," Environmental Science & Technology, Vol 40:7, pp 2093–2098, Feb (2006). Note: Subscription may be required to view article <Link to online article>
de Figueiredo, M., D. Reiner, H. Herzog, K. Oye, "The Liability of Carbon Dioxide Storage," presented at the 8th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Trondheim, Norway, June (2006). <PDF>
Reiner, D.M., T. Curry, M. de Figueiredo, H. Herzog, S. Ansolabehere, K. Itaoka, M. Akai, F. Johnsson, M. Odenberger, "An International Comparison of Public Attitudes towards Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies," presented at the 8th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Trondheim, Norway, June (2006). <PDF>
de Figueiredo, M.A., H.J.Herzog and D.M. Reiner, "Framing the Long-Term Liability Issue for Geologic Carbon Storage in the United States," Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 10 : 647-657, October (2005). <PDF>
de Figueiredo, M.A., "Property Interests and Liability of Geologic Carbon Dioxide Storage," preliminary paper, Special Report to the MIT Carbon Sequestration Initiative , September (2005). <PDF>
Curry, T.E., D.M. Reiner, M.A. de Figueiredo, and H.J. Herzog, "A Survey of Public Attitudes towards Energy and Environment in Great Britain," March (2005). <PDF>
de Figueiredo, M.A., "The Underground Injection Control of Carbon Dioxide," Special Report to the MIT Carbon Sequestration Initiative, February (2005) <PDF>
Reiner, D.M. and H.J. Herzog, "Developing a Set of Regulatory Analogs for Carbon Sequestration," Energy, 29 (9-10): 1561-1570, (2004). <PDF>
Curry, T.E., D.M. Reiner, S. Ansolabehere and H.J. Herzog, "How Aware is the Public of Carbon Capture and Storage?" Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-7), Vancouver, Canada, E.S. Rubin, D.W. Keith and C.F. Gilboy (eds.), Elsevier, pp 1001-1009, September (2005). <PDF>
Curry, T.E., "Public Awareness of Carbon Capture and Storage: A Survey of Attitudes toward Climate Change Mitigation," M.I.T. Masters Thesis, June (2004). <PDF>
Smith, A.M., "Regulatory Issues Controlling Carbon Capture and Storage," M.I.T. Masters Thesis, June (2004). <PDF>
Heinrich, J.J, H.J.Herzog and D.M. Reiner, "Environmental Assessment of Geologic Storage of CO2," MIT LFEE 2003-002 RP, revised March (2004). <PDF>
Heddle, G.A., "Sociopolitical Challenges to the Siting of Facilities with Perceived Environmental Risks," M.I.T. Masters Thesis, June (2003). <PDF>
de Figueiredo, M.A., D.M. Reiner and H.J. Herzog, "Towards a Long-Term Liability Framework for Geologic Carbon Sequestration," presented at the Second National Conference on Carbon Sequestration, Washington, DC, May 5-8 (2003). <PDF>
Heinrich, J.J, H.J.Herzog and D.M. Reiner, "Environmental Assessment of Geologic Storage of CO2," presented at the Second National Conference on Carbon Sequestration, Washington, DC, May 5-8 (2003). <PDF>
Heinrich, J.J., "Managing Environmental and Human Safety Risks Associated with Geologic Storage of CO2," M.I.T. Masters Thesis, February (2003). <PDF>
de Figueiredo, M.A., "The Hawaii Carbon Dioxide Ocean Sequestration Field Experiment: A Case Study in Public Perceptions and Institutional Effectiveness," M.I.T. Masters Thesis, (2002). <PDF>
Reiner D.M. and H.J. Herzog, "Developing a Set of Regulatory Analogs for Carbon Sequestration," Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-6), Volume I, J. Gale and Y. Kaya (Eds.), Elsevier, pp 235-241, (2003). <PDF>
de Figueiredo, M.A., D.M. Reiner, and H.J. Herzog, "Ocean Carbon Sequestration: A Case Study in Public and Institutional Perceptions," Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-6), Volume I, J. Gale and Y. Kaya (Eds.), Elsevier, pp 799-804, (2003). <PDF>
Heinrich, J., "Legal Implications of CO2 Ocean Storage," July (2002). <PDF>
Quiviger, G. and H. Herzog, "A Case Study from Norway on Gas-Fired Power Plants," Carbon Sequestration, and Politics," presented at the First National Conference on Carbon Sequestration, Washington, DC, May 14-17 (2001). <PDF>
Quiviger, G., "Building New Power Plants in a CO2 Constrained World: A Case Study from Norway on Gas-Fired Power Plants, Carbon Sequestration, and Politics," M.I.T. Masters Thesis, (2001). <PDF>