Technology Development
Project: Development of a Coal-CO2 Slurry Feeding System for Pressurized Entrained-Flow Gasifiers in Plants with Carbon Capture (2013)
Project: Electrochemically-Mediated Amine Regeneration for Post-Combustion Capture of Carbon Dioxide (2013)
Technology Assessments
Project: Integration and Operation of Post-combustion Capture System on Coal-fired Power Generation: Load Following and Solvent Storage (2012)
Project: Plant Power: The Cost of Using Biomass for Power Generation and Potential for Decreased Greenhouse Gas Emissions (2012)
Project: Water Footprint of Electric Power Generation: Modeling its use and analyzing options for a water-scarce future (2012)
Project: Carbon Dioxide Capture by Chemical Absorption: A Solvent Comparison Study (2010)
Project: Feasibility of Air Capture (2010)
Project: Using Auxiliary Gas Power for CCS Energy Needs in Retrofitted Coal Power Plants (2010)
Project: Strategies for Demonstration and Early Deployment of Carbon Capture and Storage: A Technical and Economic Assessment of Capture Percentage (2009)
Project: The Future of Coal Study, An Interdisciplinary MIT Study (2007) |
Policy Assessments
Project: Rethinking CCS - Strategies for Technology Development in Times of Uncertainty (2013)
Project: An Analytical Framework for Long Term Policy for Commercial Deployment and Innovation in Carbon Capture and Sequestration Technology in the United States (2009)
Project: Pathways to Adoption of Carbon Capture and Sequestration in India: Technologies and Policies (2007)
Project: Carbon Dioxide Capture Technology for the Coal-Powered Electricity Industry: A Systematic Prioritization of Research Needs (2006)
Project: Product Development Process Design: Improving Development Response to Market, Technical, and Regulatory Risks (2003)
Integrated Assessments
Project: Assessing Early Investments in Low Carbon Technologies under Uncertainty: The Case of Carbon Capture and Storage (2010)
Project: Incorporating Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies in Integrated Assessment Models
Project: Sequestering Carbon from Power Plants: The Jury is Still Out (2000) |
Economics and Costs
Project: An analysis of how climate policies and the threat of stranded fossil fuel assets incentivize CCS deployment (2015)
Project: The Role of CCS as a Mitigation Technology and Challenges to its Commercialization (2013)
Project: Economics and Policies for Carbon Capture and Sequestration in the Western United States: A Marginal Cost Analysis of Potential Power Plant Deployment (2010)
Project: Capture-Ready Power Plants - Options, Technologies and Economics (2006)
Project: Carbon Dioxide Capture from Coal-Fired Power Plants: A Real Options Analysis (2005)
Project: The Economics of CO2 Storage (2003)
Project: Economic Evaluation of Leading Technology Options for Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide (2000)
Project: Lifetime of Carbon Capture and Storage as a Climate-change Mitigation Technology (2012)
Project: Uncertainty Analysis of Capacity Estimates and Leakage Potential for Geologic Storage of Carbon Dioxide in Saline Aquifers (2009)
Project: Managing Environmental and Human Safety Risks Associated with Geologic Storage of CO2 (2003)
Project: Ocean Storage (2003)
Project: Carbon Storage via Mineral Carbonation (2002)
Public Perception
Project: Acceptance by Proxy: Analyzing Perceptions of Hydraulic Fracturing to Better Understand Public Acceptance for Geologic Storage of Carbon Dioxide (2015)
Project: Geologic Storage of Carbon Dioxide: Risk Analyses and Implications for Public Acceptance (2007)
Project: Public Awareness of Carbon Capture and Storage: A Survey of Attitudes toward Climate Change Mitigation (2004)
Project: Sociopolitical Challenges to the Siting of Facilities with Perceived Environmental Risks (2003)
Project: The Hawaii Carbon Dioxide Ocean Sequestration Field Experiment: A Case Study in Public Perceptions and Institutional Effectiveness (2002)
Project: Building New Power Plants in a CO2 Constrained World: A Case Study from Norway on Gas-Fired Power Plants, Carbon Sequestration, and Politics (2001)
Regulatory and Legal Issues
Project: The Liability of Carbon Dioxide Storage (2007)
Project: Regulatory Issues Controlling Carbon Capture and Storage (2004)
GIS Modeling
Project: Integration of Distributed and Heterogeneous Information for Public-Private Policy Analyses (2004)
Project: A Systems Perspective for Assessing Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Opportunities (2004)
Year: 2012
Year: 2009
Year: 2006
Year: 2003