As of September 30, 2016, the Carbon Capture and Sequestration Technologies program at MIT has closed. The website is being kept online as a reference but will not be updated.
Australia's CCS Financing Overview
There are currently 2 main sources of funding for CCS projects in Australia.
These are the:
The CCS Flagships Program
The Australian Government’s CCS Flagships program is part of the Government’s expanded AU$5.1 billion Clean Energy Initiative. The CCS Flagships program builds on the National Low Emissions Coal Initiative, which includes research, demonstration, mapping and infrastructure elements, and the Global CCS Institute’s support for accelerated deployment of industrial-scale CCS projects world-wide.
The CCS Flagship program has been designed to accelerate the development and demonstration of CCS technologies. The program promotes the wider dissemination of CCS technologies by supporting a small number of demonstration projects that capture and store CO2 emissions from industrial processes. This objective supports the G8's call for the launch of 20 demonstration CCS projects worldwide by 2010, to be operational from 2015 and for commercial deployment by 2020.
The CCS Flagship program has earmarked $1.9 billion over 9 years for the support of construction of 2 to 4 commercial scale CCS projects with combined capacity of 1000MW or equivalent size for other industrial processes. These funds are to include regional development projects for example pipeline systems and storage hubs. The Australian Government will fund up to one third of the non-commercial costs of CCS Flagship projects that are ultimately selected. Nominations closed on 14 August 2009. The selected projects were scheduled to be announced in August 2010, but there has been no announcement to date (January 2011)
In December 2009 4 projects were short listed to receive these funds:
Wandoan: IGCC plant Queensland
Zerogen: IGCC plant, Queensland
Collie South West Hub: multi-user industrial capture, Western Australia
Carbon Net: Multi-user power plant capture, Victoria
Further Information:
CCS Flagships Program Fact sheet
CCS Flagships Program Guidelines ts/Cl
The Global CCS Initiative (GCCSI)
The GCCSI was announced by the Australian Government in September 2008 and was formally launched in April 2009 and began operating independently in July 2009. The Institute is a not-for-profit entity and owned by its world-wide members, with the Australian Government initially committing AU$100 million annual funding to the organization for a four-year period.
The Institute has been created to build and share the know—how and expertise necessary to ensure that CCS can make a significant impact on reducing the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. This is to be achieved by sharing knowledge, fact-based advocacy and assisting projects.
The GCCSI announced in October 2010 that 6 projects around the world were to receive financial support from the GCCSI as part of the Institute’s knowledge sharing brokerage efforts to overcome key barriers facing large-scale, integrated CCS demonstration projects. The total of these is AU$18million. ($17.89 M US).
May 2011. The Australian government has announced steeper funding cuts for carbon capture and storage (CCS) programmes, with it now planning to reduce funding by A$420.9mn ($454.6mn) through June 2015
Australian Governmental CCS News
Australian Government reduces spending on CCS flagship program (January 2011)
The Australian government has announced steeper CCS funding cuts (May 2011)