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As of September 30, 2016, the Carbon Capture and Sequestration Technologies program at MIT has closed. The website is being kept online as a reference but will not be updated.

BP Carson (DF2) Fact Sheet: Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Project

Company/Alliance: BP: Hydrogen Energy and Edison Mission Group, with sponsors and participants Fluor, GE Energy, Occidental Petroleum, and West Basin Water District

Location: Carson, California, USA

Feedstock: Petcoke to Hydrogen

Size: 500 MW, 4-5 Mt/yr

Capture Technology: IGCC (for petroleum coke) capturing about 90% of the CO2 released

CO2 Fate: EOR

Timing: Cancelled and Replaced with HECA
Previous Timing: Initial engineering feasibility studies (completed), permit application (2007), front-end engineering (2007), anticipated finalization of project investment decision (2008), and start-up of the new plant operation (2012)


The expected cost is around $2 billion, twice the initial estimate, with tax credits worth $90 million from US Department of Energy (DOE) and Internal Revenue Service (IRS).


BP's Carson project evolved into the HECA project. However since then BP has sold the HECA project to SCS Energy and it no longer has a major CCS project in the US.

The project is the largest hydrogen-fired power generation facility in the world with both state and local support. BP has been discussing with Occidental Petroleum Corporation the possibility of injecting the captured CO2 into their mature California oil fields. Occidental Petroleum is injecting more than one billion cubic feet of CO2 per day in the Permian Basin oil operations in Texas and New Mexico and is the world’s largest CO2 operator.

Project Link: BP Carson Project (California Project)

Other Sources and Press Release:
Carbon Hydrogen Power - WestCarb Annual Meeting [PDF] (November 2006)
BP and GE (July 2006)