Current Funding Support 1.
NSF DBI-9987122 (PI) 9/15/2000-9/14/2003 "Standing
Wave Total Internal Reflection Microscopy - in vivo biological
imaging at the nanometer scale" 2.
NIH/NCI R21/R33 CA84740-01 (co-PI) 9/15/2000-9/14/2004 3.
NIH/HLBI P01 HL64858-01A1 (co-PI) 9/28/2001-9/17/2006 4.
NIH/NCI R33 CA091354-01A1 (PI) 5/1/2002-4/30/2005
Past and Current Student Degree Theses Doctoral Theses Hayden
Huang, "A Measurement of Smooth Muscle Cells' Gene Activation Under
Precision Controlled Mechanical Stress and Strain", 2001 Master's Theses Tuck
Meng Lui, "Wavelet-Based Multi-Resolution Techniques for Two Dimensional
Data Analysis", 1999 (Dept. of Civil Engineering) Bachelor's Theses Lawrence
Chow, "A Monte Carlo Study of Two-Photon Point Spread Function in
Turbid Medium", 1997 |
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