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Solar Panels arrive by truck from SunPower
Tom uses the forklift to get the panels to the loading area.
Energy Supervisor Jim Dunn discusses with the team the most approriate location for the solar invertors and battery systems.
The technician from Xantrex measures the panel to locate mounting brackets.
The batteries sit outside awaiting the installation of the solar system to begin storing power.
Jim, Tom and Cristof work to secure the first Apricus solar thermal collector frame to the south side of the house,.
A single PV collector battery to be strung in series so we can get off the grid.
Our water tank hooks directly into the Apricus system, which feeds both domestic water and the radiant floor below.
Our proto-type water-filled "light wall" courtesy of Wendell Colson. Come to DC to see it in action.
Some of the 42 panels being secured in place - only a few more till we cut ties to grid!