Google: If you have never used Google, you probably grew up in a cave. It is the best search engine ever!!! |
McMaster Carr: It's like a hardware store with 6.022X10^23 different products |
How Stuff Works: How Stuff Works lives up to its name. It is the best resource for finding out how different technical things work. This website will serve as the class text. |

Efunda: Good place to look up analysis that has to do with engineering. Forget what stress is? efunda can tell you all about it. |
Wikipedia: Wikipedia is great for learning a small amount about anything. Want to know when Thomas Edison invented the light bulb? This is the place to go. |
Matweb: Matweb is a great place to find material properties. They have information on just about any material you can imagine. |
 | This is a good place to look up mathematical concepts. You can quickly find things like common integrals or trig identities. |
2.007: This is the website for the MIT mechanical engineering department’s introduction to mechanical design class. The lecture notes have are the best compilation of design principles I have ever seen. Students build robots for a class project (where do you think I got the idea for our class!). You can find some really ingenious technical solutions in some of the robots. |

2.007 Website |
2.744: This is the website for MIT's graduate product design class in mechanical engineering. It has many great links to other sites, and tells about the basics of product design. |
Google Scholar: Google Scholar is an easy way to get academic articles for free. It works just like regular google. |
USPTO: At the US Patent Office, you can search for any patent issued from the 1700's till now. Looking through patents generates good ideas, and prevents you from reinventing the wheel. If you are thinking of designing a protective carrying case for your banana, sorry, it already exists (US Pat# 6,918,231) |
Free Patent Fetcher: If you find a patent that looks sounds interesting, like a banana carrying case, Free Patent Fetcher is a really easy way to download it in pdf form. |
World Bank: This website is a resource for all kinds of info, including general statistics for every country. |
UNDP: The United Nations Development Project website has a bunch of articles that might be useful in gathering info about development. |
USAID: The United States Agency for International Development website is another resource with many articles about international development and disability. |
Whirlwind: The Whirlwind Wheelchair International website has many wheelchair related articles and links to other disability organizations. |
Motivation: The Motivation website has many wheelchair related articles and links to other disability organizations. |
ExtremePhoneCards: The “I Talk Africa” card is the best I have found for calling Kenya and TZ. It gives about $0.05/min to a land line and $0.20/min to a cell phone. |
D-Lab: Our MIT international development friends in D-lab have a whole bunch of info, case studies, and other stuff on their webpage. |
Disability KAR: The Disability Knowledge and Research website has tons of academic articles and other useful info about disability around the world. |
Freedom Technology: This NGO in the Philippines makes some awesome mobility aids. They did some innovative designs for their two new tricycle models (see video above) |