About Us
Club Hours
Team News
Photo Gallery
Join / Contact Us

There are NO requirements to joining the table tennis club if you are an MIT student. All we ask is that you treat club property carefully and responsibly.

Joining the Table tennis club is quick and simple :

1) Email us at tt-officers@mit.edu expressing your interest to join.
2) Go to this link (http://web.mit.edu/clubsports/officers/waivers.shtml)
3) Download and complete the waiver form
4) Show up to a practice session and hand it over to any of the club officers.
5) You will receive an email confirming your membership

Joining the table tennis team:

To join the table tennis team, please email the tt-officers@mit.edu with the following information:

Year (Freshman, Sophomore,etc)
Date of Birth
Past experience

You will receive a response from us with further instructions.


MIT Table Tennis Club. Maintained by Sherry Yang