TSL Playground The Name Game Guess That Motivation Feed-it Chapter V Belonging in Humanity About Us

Chapter V


PLAYER: 4 - 6

TYPE: Semi-Digital

TIME: 2 hours

Visualize hard-to-draw topics and gain new knowledge about learning science.

Game Objects

The game is about drawing the topics given, guess other playters' drawings, and debate about your own drawing to gain additional points.

Game Field


Set Up Rules

  1. Set up the local server and open the game on the PC/laptop; this device will serve as your ‘screen’. Detailed instruction on how to set this up can be seen at this link.
  2. At your smartphone, go to airconsole.com or open the AirConsole app. Follow the instruction there to input the number code available at the screen to your phone. The code can be seen at the top right of the screen.
  3. Prepare the paper, pens, and tokens for every player. Make sure that each player get 7 tokens, and different players have different color.
  4. Make sure that all players are connected and each smartphone display the menu below. Once all players are connected, one of the players can press start.

A single round looks like:

  1. Draw the topic displayed in your phone within the time showed on the screen. Each player will receive different topic.
  2. Put all the drawings to the center of the table , and then using each token, match the drawings to the topic . The letter for each topic can be seen at the screen. Put your answer/token face down on all the drawings, including yours. Take note that the screen will display all players’ topic + 1 fake topic.
  3. The screen then will display the topic and the description one by one. Player whose topic is displayed at the screen have to reveal which drawing is theirs, and flip all the tokens on the drawing to reveal the answers. This player then can input how many players got their drawings correct, while the others can input whether they guess correctly or not.
  4. The person whose topic is displayed on the screen have to argue which part of their drawing is an important feature for the topic. An important feature can be: a part that describe the topic well, a part that is very closely related to the topic, etc. For each important feature, player can add 1 point. Other people can also argue whether some parts in the drawing is important or not. For every 2 unnecessary features, player can remove a point. After all player finish the discussion, one player can press the “End Discussion” button.

Ending Steps

This game ends when at least a player get ≥ 45 points.



Can we write words in the drawing?

No. Players, however, are allowed to put in characters not included in alphabet. Ex: ‘+’, ‘-‘, ‘=’, ‘?’, etc.

I’m not familiar with the topic. What should I do?

Make sure that you’re playing “Chapter V: Begin” version instead of “Re: Chapter V”. There should be a description of the topics during the drawing process, and the time limit for the drawing is 1 minute.

Do I have to put tokens in all drawings?

Yes. Make sure you try to guess all the drawings before continuing the game.

Do I put my answer on my own drawing?

Yes. All player have to put tokens on all drawings, including the drawings they each made.
