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Training Delivery Methods Survey

In 2006, MIT's Training Alignment Team (TAT) sponsored a survey of administrative, support, and sponsored research staff to understand which training delivery methods (e.g., classroom, e-learning, one-on-one tutorial, etc.), are perceived as most effective for their learning. See links at right to download a PDF of the survey results report, the executive summary or the survey.

The survey results will be integrated with other factors that are typically considered when making decisions about training delivery methods (e.g., development time, likelihood of reaching learning goals, costs). TAT plans to then develop guidelines to help departments at MIT that offer training make decisions about training that lead to effective and cost-effective training courses. Ultimately, these guidelines are intended to ensure that choice of delivery methods optimizes learning for work at MIT.

The survey questions focused on three main areas:

  • Which delivery method/s do participants in MIT training programs indicate is most effective for their learning?
  • Does participant experience of effectiveness vary by subject matter?
  • Why do participants hold these opinions? That is, what do participants indicate are the pros and cons of various delivery methods?

To further assist departments that offer training, the Training Alignment Team is the sponsor of Training Partners, an initiative that offers training-related activities and programs.

To learn more about the survey, contact Jeannette Gerzon,