MIT Search


Ultraseek 102:
Better Web Publishing with the Search Engine

Tuesday, Oct 4, 1999, noon-1:30pm, N42 Demo Center

In 1998, MIT purchased a powerful search engine, Ultraseek (made by Infoseek), which spiders MIT's web servers for content. Ultraseek allows web publishers to create custom search interfaces for sets of webpages. This session will cover how to create a custom search interface for a set of pages, how to effectively create and use meta tags, and how to make web pages more search-friendly.

  1. Are my pages included in the search engine?

  2. What data can I get on my pages from the search engine?

  3. How do I make my pages more search friendly?

  4. How do I label my content for the search engine?

  5. How can I use the engine to search just my pages?

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